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她尾随男朋友到各处。She tags her boy friend around.

那个人被一个侦探尾随着。The man was tailed by a detective.

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新闻总是尾随市场之后。The news always follows the market.

之后,孙磊尾随着监视他的举动。After the sun followed watching him.

我扛着锹尾随在后面。I trailed behind, carrying the shovels.

删除前导和尾随空白。Remove leading and trailing white-space.

但见这正直的汉子一路尾随上帝的信使。And the just man trailed God's messenger.

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丘吉尔接到的报告称,一架侦察机在执行完任务穿越英国海岸返航途中,遭到一架不明飞行物的尾随。by a UFO as it crossed the British coast.

海鸥尾随于大船之后。Seagulls followed in the wake of the huge ship.

部队行进中发现谢孝彰尾随在后。Troops marched XieXiaoZhang tailing found in behind.

电缆的末端与一个尾随浮筒相连。A tail buoy is connected to the far end of the cable.

有些人会尾随你到卫生间,听你尿尿。People follow you to the bathroom, listen to you pee.

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我喜欢这个季节一同尾随而至的传统。I love the traditions that come along with this season.

再安排铁虎再尾随其后,以防有变。Arrange iron tiger followed by again, in case of change.

它一路尾随我们,静悄悄地,下楼直到大厅。It trailed us as we made our way silently down the hall.

当博卡离开家上班时,埃米尔尾随着他的车,到了他的办公室。When Bomka left for work, Emil tailed him to his office.

不过,尾随我们的重炮组没有到达。However, the HMG platoon which followed us did not arrived.

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如果一个被激怒的野狗尾随你到家,你不要收留他。If a fucking dingo follows you home, you should not keep it.

格林特经常在街上被人尾随,或者在酒吧里遇到人上来跟他搭讪。Grint often gets followed down the street or accosted in bars.

爱狄尾随塞缪尔进入到一个房间,里面堆满了不成套的家具。Adie follows Samuel to a room filled with mismatched furniture.