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当然,宏观经济学不失为一个颇有价值的研究领域。Certainly it is a worthy field of study.

塞谬尔斯先生是位宏观经济学专家。Mr. Samuels is an expert in macroeconomics.

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这就是为什么我们有一个领域叫宏观经济学。This is why we have a field called macroeconomics.

它还使得人们对主流宏观经济学产生了怀疑。It has also led to the discrediting of mainstream macroeconomics.

在书中,凯恩斯创建了现在所说的宏观经济学。In that book, Keynes created the discipline now known as macroeconomics.

我想,答案是我们正生活在一个宏观经济学黑暗时代。The answer, I think, is that we're living in a Dark Age of macroeconomics.

或许,从失败的灰烬中才能诞生更好的宏观经济学这一职业。Perhaps out of the ashes of failure will emerge a better macroeconomics profession.

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模型是开放经济宏观经济学的基本模型,其存在的缺陷和局限是理论拓展的主要方向。Mundell-Fleming model is one of the basic models of macro-economics in open economy.

西方宏观经济学对非自愿失业的产生和解释,推动了宏观经济学的发展。The explanation of western macroeconomics to non-voluntary unemployment impels its development.

在国际宏观经济学领域,汇率理论的基础地位是无可争辩的。Exchange rate theory holds an unchallengeable basic position in the international macroeconomics.

对这些基本假设的解释,使宏观经济学和微观经济学紧密相连。The explanations to the basic suppositions have closely connected macroeconomics and microeconomics.

当代西方宏观经济学是指新古典综合学派衰落之后的西方宏观经济学。Modern western macroeconomics is the macroeconomics after the decline of Neo-classic Synthesis School.

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我担心主流凯恩斯主义宏观经济学不过是“造作工作成见”的花哨伪装。I worry that mainstream Keynesian macroeconomics is little more than fancy camouflage for make-work bias.

但是为什么一个研究事物的宏观经济学的德国经济学家会对旧中国如此迷恋呢?But why would a German economist who studied macro-economics of all things be so enamoured with old China?

传统的宏观经济学认为,短期波动不会对经济的长期增长造成影响。Traditional macroeconomics believes that short-run fluctuation had no effect on the long-run economic growth.

我研究过的成功投资人都认为,宏观经济学对于搞风投的人简直是浪费时间。All the great investors I've ever studied have felt macroeconomics is one of the silliest wastes of time possible.

好不容易获得的宏观经济学真知灼见今天却因为我们对我们体悟的偏信而予以排斥。Unfortunately, the hard-won insights of macroeconomics are being rejected right now in favor of visceral feelings.

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本文对宏观经济学理论的发展主线、观基础等进行了梳理和综述,分析了宏观经济学在中国的应用问题。This paper summarizes the main thread and micro-foundation of macro-economics and also analyzes its application in China.

之后,该模型又被许多经济学家从不同的方面加以扩展,至今仍然被视为开放宏观经济学领域的一个“母机模型”。Since then, the model was extended in various directions and is still the main "workhorse" of open-economy macroeconomics.

因此,传统的宏观经济学中经济长期增长不受短期波动影响即经济增长理论与经济周期理论无关的命题是值得怀疑的。So the traditional macroeconomic theory that the long-run growth is not affected by the short-run fluctuation is doubtful.