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我要有两个气囊的。I'd like two air-bags.

安全气囊拯救世界?Can Airbags Save the World?

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你不会在你的车子中装气囊。You don't install airbags in your cars.

其中一些模型含有气囊。Some of the models contained an air sac.

没问题。你找到了那个小气囊了吗?Agreed. Did you get the small pneumatics?

安全气囊只能在全功能的版本。Airbag available only on full-featured version.

如果气囊出现了漏气,则对病人进行拔管处理。If a leak was present, the patient was extubated.

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我的车有一块遮阳板和乘客用气囊。My car came with a sunroof and passenger-side airbags.

每个安全气囊都有一个折叠到气囊和充气工具里面的安全装置。Each air bag has a safing folded air bag and an inflator.

未配备安全气囊的司机通常不系安全带。those with airbags often failed to buckle their seat-belts.

Industry-first完全整合在一辆摩托车骑手安全气囊。Industry-first fully integrated rider airbag on a motorcycle.

从安全气囊模组中拆下乘客侧安全气囊门。Remove the passenger side airbag door from the airbag module.

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另外除非碰撞的确发生了,否则安全气囊不会展开。The airbags still don't deploy unless there's an actual crash.

气囊内的氮气稳定性好。Additionally, the nitrogen gas inside the air-bag has good stability.

由奶罩套及充气囊组成。The utility model comprises brassiere sleeves and air charging cells.

驾驶员的安全气囊工作良好,对头部提供了可靠的支撑。The driver's airbag worked well, providing stable contact for his head.

他们完成了安装更多的头部保护侧安全气囊。They accomplished this by installing more head-protecting side airbags.

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目的探讨内镜下气囊扩张治疗贲门失弛缓症的疗效。Aim To evaluate the effect of endoscopic balloon dilation for achalasia.

这种飞艇在外包层里面装有一副金属骨架和许多气囊。It had a metal skeleton and a series of gasbags inside an outer covering.

所有有保护头部的侧帘安全气囊,涵盖两排座椅。All have head-protecting curtain side airbags that cover both seating rows.