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那你该知道他们是个行刑队。You know that they're a death squad.

这个法术召唤少量行刑吏。This spell summons a handful of Lictors.

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在大不里士没人敢轻视行刑者。No man in Tabriz trifled with the executioner.

这个法术召唤一个军团的行刑吏。This spell summons an entire legion of Lictors.

行刑官就喊,“预备!She says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready!"

接着有三个人被捆在刑柱上准备行刑。Then three were tied to the pillar for execution.

“行刑!”巫师的嘴里溅出了泡沫。"Get on with it! " Foam flecked the wizard's lips.

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在有死刑的38个州中,有的经常行刑,有的从未行刑。Of the 38 that do, some apply it often, some never.

看看约翰福音中是怎么叙述行刑的。Read the execution narrative in the Gospel of John.

这些只是在被“切“和他的行刑队处决的许多人们中很少的几个。Just some of the many victims of Che and his firing squad.

就让刽子手停止行刑,赦免了王延寿。They told the executioner to let him go, and pardoned him.

“先生们,祝你们好运,”他对行刑者说。"Gentlemen, I wish you luck," he said to his executioners.

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她的公公“行刑”完,家里来了一个年轻男人。After her father-in-law’s “execution,” a young man arrives.

1945年9月,中国福州。行刑队准备。Preparing for firing squad. Foochow, China. September, 1945.

宙斯在行刑的当天,他派出一只长着金色长毛的公羊将王子和公主救走。He dispatched a ram with gold fleece to save the two children.

行刑吏是神圣的,他们是旧帝国的和平守卫者。Lictors are sacred and were the peacekeepers of the old empire.

当齐亚诺面对行刑队时,他完全偿清了他的债。When Ciano faced the firing- squad he paid his debts to the full.

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第三幕黎明时分,卡瓦纳多希等侯著他在圣天使城堡的行刑。Act III At dawn, Cavaradossi awaits execution at the Castel Sant'Angelo.

什么?,在末尾,就在他行刑之前的那个星期三吧。I'm sorry,at the end, right on like maybe Wednesday before he is executed.

1946年6月1日下午6点03分,在吉拉瓦监狱安东内斯库接受行刑。The execution took place on 1 June 1946 at 1803, in the Jilava penitentiary.