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汤姆是个无名小卒。Tom is a mere nobody.

他只是个无名小卒,”布劳恩说。He's a nobody, " says Braun.

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做一个“无名小卒”让他们遇见了对方。Being "nobodies" helps them find each other.

作为一对儿,他们其实不再是真正的“无名小卒”。As a pair, they aren't really nobodies anymore.

人们喜欢无名小卒,却只追随大人物。People faver underdogs but follow only top dogs.

从普通意义上来说,无名小卒的一鸣惊人能带来更大的惊喜,这也是他计划的一部分。That he came from nowhere in a lot of ways was part of the plan.

比之名流显士,我更加关注无名小卒。I have been more concerned with the obscure than with the famous.

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“这样的人可多了,”妻子说,“他们也都是无名小卒。”So do a lot of people, " his wife said. "They are nobodies , too. "

在鸡尾酒会上人们常常可以看出大人物和无名小卒来。You can always tell the somebodies from the nobodies at a cocktail party.

有些受访者得到消息这块表曾属于无名小卒,而另外一些受访者则听说这表曾经属于名人。Some were told it had belonged to a nobody, others heard it was once a celebrity’s.

对于“无名小卒”为了将铁板烧列入排行榜而一个人开了222个Facebook账户的行为,我们表示谅解。We could forgive Nobody for opening 222 Facebook accounts to put Galbi in the list.

是的,我会将铁板牛排之类的食物列入排行榜中,”读者“无名小卒”写道。"Yeah, I would have thrown Kalbi Jim or something similar on there, " wrote reader Nobody.

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她不愿意被驱逐出无名小卒的团体。And she doesn't want to be banished or kicked out from what she sees as a society of nobodies.

在鸡尾酒会上你常常可以看出大人物和无名小卒来。那些迟到的就是大人物。You can always tell the somebodies from the nobodies at a cocktail party. The somebodies come late.

他们在1961年相识,那是BAEZ是一个事业如日中天的民歌手,而dylan只是一个从明尼苏达州来的无名小卒。The two met in 1961, when Baez was an up-and-coming folk singer and Dylan was a nobody from Minnesota.

诗人明白一旦有个同类和你一起,你便不再是真正的“无名小卒”。She understands that once you have another "nobody" at your side, you aren't really a "nobody" anymore.

在这十年间,敏捷从项目管理界中的无名小卒发展成了主流的方法。In that time agile has moved from relative obscurity in the world of project management to the main stream.

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它们大白大大都伟大的艺术家、体育明星、音乐家和时尚计划师都曾是无名小卒。They understand that most of the greatest artists, sports stars, musicians and fashion designers came from nothing.

赫本从名不经转的无名小卒一跃成为欧美影坛上的一颗耀眼的明星,并掀起了时尚狂潮。Hepburn from the name turn personas had become the European film on a shining star, and lifted the fashionable frenzy.

简单点说,对于这个不知从何而来的无名小卒成为西方传统的中心,我感到万分骄傲。If you want me to say it simplistically, I'm proud that this nobody from nowhere became the center of Western tradition.