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在急救车来之前,我们需对他进行CPR急救。Before the ambulance comes, he should be given CPR.

其他的尸体,有的仅仅抓着行李,被送上急救车。Other, some clutching luggage, were helped into ambulances.

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在学校大门处,10多辆120急救车整齐排开。At the school gate, more than 10, 120 ambulance neatly lined.

凌晨4时,女子跟着担架上了急救车。At about 4am the girl got onto the ambulance with the stretcher.

在急救车里,她跟丈夫面对躺卧在两侧长椅上。In the ambulance, she was put down on a bench opposite her husband.

内萨瓦尔科约特尔发生了一起枪击事件,伤者和警察涌向急救车。Patients and police stream toward medics after a shooting in Nezahualcoyotl.

这部iPhone随后被迅速送上急救车并转移到附近的一家苹果工厂,进行了细致的全面检查。The iPhone was rushed by ambulance to a nearby Apple facility for careful examination.

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我们都受伤了。你去叫个急救车来,我们全靠你了。Beth and I are both injured. We need you to go call an ambulance. We're counting on you.

以30次胸外心脏按压和2次人工呼吸为一个循环反复直至急救车到达。Continue cycles of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths until the ambulance arrives.

当你拨911后,电话里会有人问你是要找警察、消防队还是需要急救车。When you call 911, you are asked if you need the police, the fire department, or an ambulance.

以30次胸外心脏按压和2次人工呼吸为一个循环反复直至急救车到达。Continue with cycles of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths until the ambulance arrives.

许多急救车辆,如消防车和救护车会在灾害中使用道路。Many emergency vehicles, such as fire engines and ambulances, will be using roads during disasters.

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警方引领着两辆急救车抵达现场后随即对现场人员展开急救。Police led the two ambulances arrived at the scene immediately after the start first aid on-site staff.

要是事关医疗紧急状况,急救车便会派往你所在的地址并且把你带去急救室。For health emergencies, an ambulance is sent to your location and takes you to the hospital's emergency room.

志愿急救车驾驶员冒着枪林弹雨将伤者接上车,送往附近的医院。Volunteer ambulance drivers careened through the combat, picking up victims and taking them to nearby hospitals.

当急救车的警报器开着的时候,路上所有的车都得给它们让路。When the emergency vehicles' sirens are on, all the traffic on the road must pull over and stop to let them drive by.

周一凌晨,天还未亮时,获救人员被抬上了急救车,一名矿工向医生表示要给家人打个电话。After being carried into an ambulance before dawn on Monday, one of the survivors told doctors he wanted to call his family.

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早晨9时,急救车送来一位60岁的心脏病老人,他脸色苍白,神情紧张。At 9 p.m., the ambulance brought in a man in his 60s who was having a heart attack. His face was pale, gray, and he was frightened.

会为他们提供额外的培训和设备,也要求他们在急救车到达之前即参加损伤和疾病的现场。They are provided with extra training and equipment and are requested to attend scenes of injury and illness prior to ambulance arrival.

适用于微型车、面包车、商务车、急救车、工程车、厢式货车的车室内升温和挡风玻璃的除霜。For mini-cars, vans, commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, construction vehicles, vans and car interior heating defrost the windshield.