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威风凛凛的白头鹰也爱吃鲑鱼。Majestic bald eagles also feast on the salmon.

这支骑兵部队非常威风凛凛。They were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry.

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耐儿走近那威风凛凛的大门时,它正在慢慢地打开。As Nell approached the awful door, it turned slowly upon.

一只威风凛凛的巨大雄狮噌地站了起来,睁大吓人的黄眼睛盯着我们。A large, commanding male shot up and stared at us with daunting yellow eyes.

中国威风凛凛的崛起经常标上回归历史正常水平。China's awe-inspiring rise is often framed as the return to a historical norm.

优美的姿态创造一种威风凛凛的气场,以及一种领导者的气势。Good posture creates a dynamic commanding presence and an attitude of leadership.

如果这事业,这样旷日持久和不知疲乏,又能这样英勇不屈而威风凛凛,那才好呵!If the enterprise were as heroic and commanding as it is protracted and unwearied!

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他们在展示最好的新式武器,威风凛凛,闪闪发光,专门为死亡而制造的。They were showing the finest new weapons, grand, shining, and built perfectly for death.

丰田的类人机器人能够用小提琴演奏“威风凛凛进行曲”只是还有些呆板。Toyota has a humanoid robot that plays "Pompand Circumstance" on the violin — rather robotically.

美国警察威风凛凛,令他们的很多中国同行羡慕不已。American policemen are simply imposing and impressive. Many of their Chinese counterparts envy this.

同样是在8.0展厅,RCF公司似乎以其时尚的、威风凛凛的展台提升到了更高的水平。Likewise, RCF seem to have climbed to another level on its stylish and commanding booth in Hall 8.0.

威风凛凛的高级宠物坐骑不仅外观凶猛,其实力更会让敌人闻风丧胆。Pomp senior pet mount not only the appearance of ferocity , its power will more afraid of the enemy.

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他一惯威风凛凛,但是苏哈看得出来,今晚他有烦心事。Yusuf always had a commanding presence, but tonight Suha could tell that something was bothering him.

配上鹰头部的大眼、利喙,使这只鹰显得威风凛凛,桀骜雄猛的气势。The big eyes, sharp beak and the attitude of the eagle make it appear awe-inspiring, wild and intractable.

马赛马拉依部落族人,黝黑的皮肤上鲜红的格子披肩随风飘扬,威风凛凛,令人惊叹。Clan men of Masai Mara tribe have dark skin and red grid cap flapping in the wind, awe-inspiring and astounding.

一个造型简单却令人印象深刻的大白十字架被光荣地孤立在一个威风凛凛显赫位置的最高处。A simple but impressively large white cross has been set up in splendid isolation on top of a commanding eminence.

身穿加冕服,披着紫斗篷,威风凛凛地对唐郡兼康纳主教谢谢你,多少有些名气的阁下。Bloom in dalmatic and purple mantle , to the bishop of down and connor with dignity . thanks , somewhat eminent sir.

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花果山水帘洞前,猴王威风凛凛调出猴兵猴将,在洞口列阵迎战天神。At the mouth of the Water Curtain Cave, the Monkey King ordered his monkey troops to prepare to battle the gods of heaven.

大河深在谷底,但又朦胧辽阔,威风凛凛地巡视着为它折腰膜拜的大自然。The great river lay deep at the bottom of the canyon, vast and obscure, majestically looking on as Nature bent to worship it.

对她来说,丈夫已经不存在了,她是独自一人。他们在展示最好的新式武器,威风凛凛,闪闪发光,专门为死亡而制造的。Her husband was lost to her. She was alone. They were showing the finest new weapons, grand, shining, and built perfectly for death.