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比如阿米巴原虫会分裂,对吧?Amoebas split,right?

什么是胞质分裂?。What Is Cytokinesis?

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卢瑟福叫道,‘原子已经被分裂了!The atom has been split!

这个政党分裂成两派。The party was rent in two.

我主张的是有丝分裂。I'm an advocate of mitosis.

该问题于党分裂。This issue split the party.

核分裂像是否易见?Can mitosis be found easily?

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非薄分裂的唯一标志。Non-marking thin split sole.

我们要团结,不要分裂。We want unity, not division.

我们能解释为什么它会分裂么Can we say why it broke down?

强行分裂就是叛国。Disunion by force was treason.

前提就是人格不会分裂。Provided there's no splitting.

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有丝分裂的途径可以看到。The mitotic route can be seen.

但你看着他们之间的分裂。But you saw them among division.

图示三个异常核分裂相。Here are three abnormal mitoses.

有丝分裂细胞仍可见到。Mitotic cells could be seen too.

全皮分裂唯一的自来水鞋。Full leather split sole tap shoe.

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分裂的提示未被允许。No hint of a division was allowed.

团结者缘何变成了分裂者?How did the uniter become a divider?

那是到分裂之岩的路。That was the way to Splintered Rock.