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坐着威严的天神俄玛。Seated Ema the majestic god.

坐着威严的天神俄玛。Seated dEma the majestic god.

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我的天主爷爷,敢是今天的诸圣天神全疯了?Are the saints going mad nowadays?

见到了什么奇迹,众天神哪些高兴?Seeing what marvel are the devas so joyful?

擎天神是魔鬼的一个希腊假神类的神祗。Atlas is a false Greek god type of the devil.

“腾格里”一词兼有“天”和“天神”双重含义。The term tngri meant "sky" and "heaven" as well.

我让她戴上了我的保卫天神别针,来包管她的安定。I let her wear my guardian angel pin to help keep her safe.

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你们不必去指望上师们、天神们、或鲁伯特们、或赛斯们。You need not look to gurus , or gods, or Ruburts, or Seths.

他在彼处的美丽与荣耀胜于诸天神。There he outshines the other devas both in beauty &in glory.

双子座冬夜的双子座诉说天神化身的天鹅,展翼守护双胞胎的物语。Gemini The twins were born under the wings of the Swan, Zeus.

此域诸天享受着其它天神为他们创造的感官之乐。These devas enjoy sense pleasures created by others for them.

啊,我不敢抬眼仰望的天神啊,你还肯再饶恕我吧。Thou to whom I dare not lift mine eyes, wilt Thou yet pardon me?

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天门是天界之门,天神居处的大门,又是理想世界的象征之门。Tianmen is the great gate of the paradise and the god's residence.

黄昏,又是一个黄昏,绵绵细雨仿佛天神泣泪,沉入大海深处。The continuous drizzle sank into the deep sea, as the deities'tears.

因为这个传说,韩国人认为韩文是天神送给韩民族的文字。Because of this , Koreans thought it was a gift brought from their God.

就在此时,高胜寒却如天神一般映入了崔华盾的眼帘。Just then, Goldman sachs cold but is like the god greets the Cui Huadun.

一天,天神马泰决定要教人们纺织织布的技术。One day, the god Matai decided to teach the art of weaving to one person.

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天神怪罪下来,使妙庄王全身长了500个大脓疮。The heaven lord therefore blamed him and came out on his body 500 festers.

狂风暴雨犹如被大地拒绝爱情的某位天神在痛楚中发出的恸哭。The storm is like the cry of some god in pain whose love the earth refuses.

暴风骤雨象是在疼痛中的某个天神的哭声,由于他的被大地所屏绝。The storm is like the cry of some god in pain whose love the earth refuses.