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你需要我写个假条吗?Do you need me to write a note?

他把假条交给了老师。He handed in an excuse to the teacher.

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她说自己要复印一张假条交给老师。She said she'd make a copy for her teacher.

如果他打了个喷嚏,他要求他的妈妈帮他写一张假条说他感冒了。If he sneezed, he asked his mother to write a note saying he had a cold.

如果你批准了我的假条我将会十分感激你的。I have to go out for three days. I will appreciate if you grant my leave.

我把它们分成了两堆,一堆是母亲们写的真的假条,另一堆是造假者写的。I made two piles, one for the genuine ones written by mothers, the other for forgeries.

我会根据检查情况于8号下午或9号上午把假条送去公司。I'll check the situation in 8 to 9. The morning or afternoon leave sent to the company.

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他还表示欢迎雇主们来医院对可疑的假条做鉴定。Employers were welcome to bring suspect paperwork to the hospital for investigation, the official added.

我会根据检查情况于8号下午或9号上午把假条送去公司。谢谢。Oct. i will send the application for leaving to office at 8th afternoon or 9th morning according to the result.

以后,当你的孩子迟到、旷课或者调皮捣蛋时,也许你得为他写假条。One day you might be writing excuses for your own children when they're late or absent or up to some devilment.

泰勒现在把假条装裱起来了,他希望回到学校后可以顺利过关。Tyler has now framed the note, which he hopes will be accepted by his teacher when he returns to school on Monday.

员工实际休病假时间需由直接领导在假条上签字认定。The actual time of sick leave of the employee must be verified by the signature of the direct supervisor on the leave permit.

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“那么——”斯内普轻轻的回答道,“——我相信博恩斯教授一定为你们缺席上课开了假条了?”"So, " Snape retorted softly, "I'm sure that Professor Burns gave you a signed note to excuse your absence from your classes."

假如你叫李明,因生病不能去上学,根据以下病例,给英语老师林老师写个假条。If you name is Li Ming, can not go to school due to illness, according to the following cases, to the English teacher to write a fake article Lin.

批假后假条应及时交给本班纪检委员,再由纪检委员当天转交院纪检部留存。This application form must be return to the Student in Charge of Discipline in class and sent to the Department of Discipline Inspection daily in the end.

了解了来龙去脉后,总统从助手手里拿过纸笔,为逃课的泰勒写了一张假条,假条的后面还有总统的签名。The President then reached for a pad of paper and a pen from the White House and proceeded to write the schoolboy an excuse note, complete with a presidential signature.