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哦,那些是象形文字。Oh, those are hieroglyphs.

象形文字是一种古老的文字。Pictograph is an old writing.

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甲骨文是象形文字。Oracle inscriptions are pictographs.

象形文字开始作为符号的增补。Word-signs began to supplement signals.

或者我猜它是一种统一的象形文字。Or I guess it is a uniform hieroglyphic.

考古学家追踪象形文字。The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs.

早期的书写实际上是象形文字。Early writing was pictographic in nature.

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在德累斯顿抄本玛雅象形文字。Mayan hieroglyphics in the Dresden Codex.

东巴文是中国一种古老的象形文字。Dongba is an ancient hieroglyphic language.

你知道怎样写这个漂亮的象形文字吗?Do you know how to write this beautiful hieroglyph?

一般而言,象形文字是最早产生的文字。Generally speaking, the pictograph is the first text.

汉字从古老的象形文字发展而来。Chinese characters are evolved from the ancient ideographs.

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我所采用的图案是类似符号的象形文字。Initially the patterns I used were hieroglyph like symbols.

这些象形文字在西奈半岛发现,约为公元前1500年。These are the pictographs found in the Sinai peninsula, ca.

古埃及的象形文字终于被破译了。Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script was finally deciphered.

一些基础象形文字反映了高-丽-人的生活方式和风俗。Some basic pictographs reflect Korean life-style and customs.

印度手稿—象形文字的起源,可以回溯到公元前3300—2800年。The origins of the Indus script-like signs dates from 3300-2800 BC.

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人们似乎认为古埃及人发明了象形文字。People seem to assume that the Ancient Egyptians invented hieroglyphs.

这是继神权政治象形文字之后的封建制度象形文字。They are the hieroglyphics of feudalism succeeding those of theocracy.

所以东巴文也称做纳西象形文字。The Dongba characters are also called the Naxi pictographic characters.