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凝神于心,禅意斐然。Focus on the heart, Zen strikings.

她是华尔街一名业绩斐然的经纪人。She's a hotshot broker on Wall Street.

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经济改革的效果也很斐然。Their reforms have produced strong results.

我们刚刚结束了成就斐然的一天。We have just concluded an enormously productive day.

是来自中国内地的参赛者黄斐然的作品。Erato is designed by HWang Feirang from Mainland China.

近来警方反毒品集团的工作成绩斐然。Recent police's success against drug rings is remarkable.

与传说的相反,这个成绩斐然的男孩的确曾几度陷于窘境。Contrary to legend, the golden boy did have some lean times.

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吉利根当州长四年,政绩斐然。The Gilligan record in four years as governor was exemplary.

昔日,在这片乐土上大象可要比我们人类成就斐然。In times past the elephants were more successful than people.

中国经济发展成绩斐然,令人钦佩。The remarkable achievements of Chinese economy are admirable.

即使这些补习班的事业斐然,仍然存在著一些问题。Even if the cram schools are successful, there are still problems.

与传说的相反,这个成绩斐然的男孩的确曾几度陷于窘境。Contrary to legend, the golden boy did have some lean times. In 1942.

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这个紧箍咒并非局限于那些成就斐然的女孩,或是她们的外在追求。The curse is not confined to overachievers or to girls' external pursuits.

非常受学生欢迎,所以,教学成果斐然。Very popular with the students, therefore, teaching achievement strikings.

这个紧箍咒并非局限于那些成就斐然的女孩,或是她们的外在追求。Thee curse is not confined to overachievers or to girls' external pursuits.

教学成绩斐然,学生后续发展良好。My teaching get well success and every student develop very well after graduation.

林那北是当代文坛上一位风格独特、成绩斐然的优秀作家。Lin Nabei is an impressive and excellent writer in the contemporary literary circles.

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因而即便是写奏折,古人也尽可能地写得文采斐然。Therefore, even in writing a memorial, the ancients tried to make it rich and bright.

赫内斯昆卡一直在非常努力地优化Panoramio的两台服务器,成果斐然。Joaquín Cuenca has been working very hard optimizing our two servers with great results.

邵先生从事艺术生涯五十年,高级美术教师、桃李成林、成绩斐然。Mr. Shao , as a senior painting teacher, has been engaged in art life more than 50 years.