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他卧床不起,身体很虚弱。He was bed-ridden and was very weak.

没工作了,或者整天卧床不起?Lost your job, or bedridden for days?

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他也因此长达四个月卧床不起。He had been bedridden for four months.

这老人卧床不起已有三5年了。The old man kept his bed for 15 years.

我爸爸生病了,他正卧床不起呢。My father is ill and he is lying in bed.

他病得很厉害,一整天都卧床不起。He was so ill that he kept his bed all day.

那时父亲已在钦苏拉卧床不起了。My father was then bed-ridden at Chinsurah.

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老人严重中风,卧床不起。The old man was laid up with a severe stroke.

是的,一周前他得了重感冒卧床不起。Yeah, he was down with a bad cold a week ago.

他们生病卧床不起已经两年了。They have been ill in bed for about two years.

重病使他整整一年卧床不起。A hard illness kept him in bed for a whole year.

病人梦见吃白糖,会长卧床不起。Patients dreamed eating sugar, president of bedridden.

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随后,杰克逊三周卧床不起,但最终得以康复。He was bedridden for three weeks, but ultimately healed.

我们去慰问了卧床不起的人,并带去了一篮子食物。We went to visit and take a basket of food to the shut-in.

因为过去的两天里我因为感冒发烧而卧床不起。For the past two days I've been laid up with fever and chills.

马普安想退出长征的决定是早在5天前作出的,他在昆明一家医院里卧床不起,度过了大半个月。Andy's decision to quit the march had been made five days earlier.

由于疾病缠身,卧床不起,她深深感到力不从心。Too ill to get out of bed, she had strong feelings of uselessness.

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我得了重感冒卧床不起的时候,让别人把饭送来。I had my meals brought to me when I was ill in bed with a bad cold.

生病卧床不起一整天,而不用听老板在电话里絮叨.Feeling sick and lying in bed all day without having to call my boss.

1970年6月他得知温妮已经卧床不起两个月了。In June 1970 he learned Winnie had been confined to bed for two months.