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于上安心的出去灯红酒绿,夜夜歌乐。On peace of mind go out every night scene of debauchery, song music.

在这灯红酒绿的街头,我迷失在这纸醉金迷的世界里了!In this debauchery's street corner, I lost in this wanton and luxurious living world!

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灯红酒绿成就男人雄心,水性杨花显尽女人风情。Scene of debauchery achievement man of ambition, wanton make significant woman style.

你永远都会拒绝灯红酒绿,不对异性过分热情。Whenever you should refused extravagace, not show over-enthusiasm to the opposite sex.

灯红酒绿,照穿男人花心,情场作戏,最怕女人多情!Neon, according to wear men flower heart, love burlesque, the most afraid of woman amorous!

我在农村呆得厌倦了。让我们去灯红酒绿的娱乐场所看一场电影或戏吧。I'm bored with staying in the country. Let's go off to the bright lights and see a film or a show.

距莫斯科灯红酒绿的市中心一小时车程的地方,坐落着生活条件极端原始简陋的村落。An hour’s drive from the neon of central Moscow are villages in which living conditions are primitive.

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走出学校,进入了这个繁华的都市,我的双眼慢慢的被这些灯红酒绿所侵蚀着。Out of schools, access to the heart of the city, my eyes have been slowly eroded by such a false picture.

但是她们不会选择去酒吧买醉,不会用香烟麻醉自己,不会让自己在灯红酒绿的世界里迷失自己。They will not choose to go bar, sometimes narcotic own cigarettes, in which the virtual world of their own lost.

然而,从广场四面八方向外走去,你会发现自己走进了一个灯红酒绿的花花世界。Walk away from the square in any direction, however, and soon you find yourself amid a raucous riot of commerce.

城市只是吸引了一小部分进化生物学家,这些人工作在灯红酒绿、繁华的地方。Cities attract only a small fraction of evolutionary biologists, who often work in lusher places like the Amazon.

而我们在工作日结束后,很多人去匆匆忙忙去追逐灯红酒绿的夜生活和周末活动。Once our work days are completed, many of us rush-off to pursue strenuous activities in the evening and weekends.

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这些舞者沉溺于夜总会的灯红酒绿,从那喧闹的人声里他们感悟到魔法。These dancers indulge in all of the club scenes, creating magic in the waves of humanity that throng such venues.

饥饿,疲惫,为了采购意向,我走进灯红酒绿的水果超级市场,幻想着你在这儿逐一挑选!In my hungry fatigue, and shopping for images, I went into the neon fruit supermarket, dreaming of your enumerations!

这里灯红酒绿间洋溢着醉生梦死的空气,而无法在呼吸到新鲜的野外那淡淡含香的空气。Here between luxury filled with drunken live in dreams of the air, unable to breathe fresh in the field that hint vanillic air.

而更多怀着音乐梦的年轻人则像仁清卓玛一样,在灯红酒绿的朗玛厅用电子节拍演绎着流行音乐……传统音乐的出路在哪里?。While most young people dreams of music just play pop with electronic in Glang-ma hall. Where is the way for the traditional music?

村里里开始越来越多的传言,说他们被城市的灯红酒绿给迷醉了眼,再也不愿回到这个破落的小山村了。The village started more rumors, saying they were the scene of debauchery by the city to the eye, would not return to the ruined village.

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临河而建的酒吧、饭店、咖啡厅一个接一个,灯红酒绿,静谧的夜晚,这里飘荡出醉人的音乐,让人思绪飞扬。Linhe built bars, restaurants, coffee shop one after another, entertainment, quiet night, where intoxicating waft out of the music, people thoughts flying.

灯红酒绿,纸醉金迷,眩目的霓虹灯掩盖不了陋室处处。The feasting, revelries, luxuries and dazzling neon lamps of that era could not gloss over the sprawling slums and abject poverty of most Shanghai residents.

尽管当时马克思主义的我们还曾认为,资本主义的韩国应该和美国一样是富足到了灯红酒绿、纸醉金迷。Though Marxist we had thought, Capitalist South Korea should be rich like America big cities with bright lights, luxury and dissipation, scene of debauchery.