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然而瓦肖的监护人不同意。Yet Washoe's keepers disagree.

我想我们不需要监护人。I don't think we need a chaperon.

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在苏格兰法律中,学令儿童有监护人。In Scotts law pupil children have tutors.

你父亲遗命托我为你的监护人。Your father chose to leave me your guardian.

她是安娜法律程序期间的监护人。She is Anna's guardian ad litem for the trial.

监护人协助安排海外监护人。Guardianships Prepare for an overseas guardian.

我们的监护人没有异议,我们就去了。Our guardians had no objection, so off we went.

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这些孤儿的叔父成为他们的监护人。Their uncle was declared guardian to the orphans.

他被指控从合理监护人那里逃走。He was charged with absconding from lawful custody.

这个年轻女孩去任何地方都有监护人跟着。The young girl would go nowhere without her chaperon.

法庭指定他为这个孩子的合法监护人。The court constituted him legal guardian of the child.

为中国学生安排法律监护人及监护文件。Arrange custodians and custodianship papers for students.

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这样你就是艾瑞克和托利的监护人了。That way you'll be the one responsible for Eric and Tori.

这张表格须由孩子的家长或监护人签字。The form must be signed by the child's parents or guardian.

我是随车监护人员,负责此期间对火车的监护工作。I'm the supervisor in charge of the thain during this period.

约有11万1千名儿童从父母或监护人那里得到酒类。About 111, 000 kids said they got it from a parent or guardian.

主人的身份就像是家长或监护人The master occupies toward him the place of parent or guardian.

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起初,简·爱并未见到这个小姑娘的监护人爱德华·罗切斯特。Jane does not at first meet Edward Rochester, the girl's guardian.

你是这一个在你的保险箱-保管中的水晶的监护人。You are guardians of the One Crystal that is in your safe-keeping.

在一案子中代表未成年人被告的监护人。Pers on who act on behalf of a minor is a defendant in a court case.