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他次次都知道我喜欢什么。He always knows what i like.

每当约翰来约,简总是说行,次次如此。Jane always said yes when he asked her out.

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但你却次次都误会我,伤害我!But you misunderstood and hurt me each time.

但是,假如你毫无目标,你将次次脱靶。But if you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time.

次次面试的不成功,令我反省了许多。Times of unsuccessful job interviews, I reflect on a lot.

因为我是在球型炮塔里观察,基本上次次都给吓得屁滚尿流。Me being to watch in the ball turret I was scared shitless countless times.

你一篇演讲要说五十次,我次次都要装笑脸。Pasting a smile on my face while you say the same speech for the 50th time.

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我也很想改变自己,次次都很用心,但是每次都是失败。I also want to change themselves, Cici Du very carefully, but failed each time.

可是也不能次次赢吧?会不会抽老千呢?But also not the competence period period conquer?The meeting can't take out old thousand?

他看到次次打架的全盘经过,自己老是挨打,盘儿脸呢,因打垮了他而趾高气扬。He saw them all, fight after fight, himself always whipped and Cheese-Face exulting over him.

在面对人生里的种种时候,学着过往,那些次次的停留,也只是驿站一般。In the face of all the time in life, to learn the past, those who stay on, and just Inn general.

她会冒着不能次次都赢的风险投出青春的赌注,会做出一些极具风险的选择——这些选择,对她孩子的生活影响巨大。She made risky bets that paid off only some of the time, choices that her children had to live with.

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你不需要收拾他们的烂摊子,甚至连参与都不需要,你没必要次次都帮他们,袖手旁观就可以了。You don't need to take it all, or even part of it, on board and you don't need to help them every single time.

再次以感激的心,敬谢您对我们次次完美的演出,做真诚的聆赏。Again, with much gratitude, thank again you for your sincere concern about the perfect performance of our company.

如果我们不乖乖听话,他就会站在我们的父母那边,吓唬说要抢走我们的营养饮料,而这招次次都奏效。If we didn't behave, he would side with our parents and threaten to rob us of the nutritious drink. And it worked every time.

麻神在上,马骝祝你生日快乐,波、股、马、百家乐瓣瓣都赢,次次都赢完都揾到靓的去不去!Ma Lok, Monkey hope you have a happy birthday. Win more in football, stock, horse and baccarat. And get a beautiful chicken everytime!

我来投考的那一年,有一个山东老乡,已经报考了五次,次次名落孙山。They became dragon from carp. In a year when I came and took part in exams, one of old folks had applied for five times, but failed every time.

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在1817年至1923年的百余年间,共暴发6次,次次都造成了难以估计的损失,死者也超过数千万。In 1817 to 1923 of over a hundred years, a total of 6 outbreaks, summits resulted in incalculable losses, more than tens of millions of deceased.

纽约市所遭受的强飓风袭击并不多见,但次次骇人。最近的一次便是1985年的格洛丽亚飓风,它肆虐长岛,带来了巨大的破坏。Only a few big hurricanes have ever hit New York City. The last of them was Hurricane Gloria in 1985, which caused substantial damage on Long Island.

在民权运动的启示下,妇女组织到法院向一条又一条歧视性法律提出挑战,并且几乎次次取得胜利。Taking its cue from the civil rights movement, women's groups went into court to attack one discriminatory law after another, and won in nearly all their cases.