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是否跨界别合作计划?Is this a cross-sectoral project?

然后最迟于2016年,全面取消功能界别议席。By 2016 at the latest, abolish all Functional Constituencies.

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只有关于委员界别的资料。Information relating to the constituency of the members only.

你认为应如何扩阔功能界别的选民基础?Any other ways you propose to broaden the electorate base of FCs?

而选自功能界别议席的成员大都亲政府。Members chosen by functional constituencies are mostly pro-government.

有关团体可选择被纳入此功能界别或劳工界功能界别内。This organisation can choose to be included in this FC or the Labour FC.

请參照背页之功能界别及选举委员会界别分组的名称。Please refer overleaf for the names of the functional constituency and Election Committee subsector.

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厂商会检定中心为一支高效率的品质检测团队,拥有来自不同界别的专才。CMA Testing is a Dynamic Quality Team comprised of experts in various technical and professional fields.

希腊的石油商人和帕纳辛奈科斯功能界别的股东,拥有法拉利的经销商。Giannis Vardinogiannis, Greek oil businessman and Panathinaikos FC shareholder, owns Ferrari dealership.

坚持各自的主要界别是八个民主党派共同存在的政治基础。Keeping respective distinctions of eight democratic parties is the political basis for their coexistence.

是否赞成第四界别的新增议席,大部分分配给区议员?Do you agree that most of the new seats in the 4th sector should be allocated to District Council members?

各党派、团体、界别、专门委员会、委员个人或联名均可提交书面发言材料。All parties, groups, sectors, Special Committees and committee members in person or jointly can submit written speech materials.

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严格界别民族立法与地方立法,是廓清民族立法独立空间的关键。The key to clarify the independent space of national legislation is defining national legislation and local legislation strictly.

我们的人民代表大会中没有议会党团,也不以界别开展活动。The people's congresses have no congressional party groups, and they do not carry out activities on the basis of sectors of society.

教研中心一直透过与官商民三个界别不同的个人及机构之间的合作,进行与第三部门课题相关的研究工作。CTSS welcomes collaborations with people and agencies from all three Sectors to conduct studies relating to the Third Sector in Hong Kong.

部分申请的同一选举委员会界别分组的团体投票人的获授权代表。I am not appointed as an authorized representative of a corporate voter in the same Election Committee subsector applied for in Section 6.

劳工界功能界别选出三名立法会议员,余下27个界别各选出一名议员。The labour functional constituency returns three Legislative Council members and the other 27 functional constituencies return one member each.

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在推广调解服务方面,我很高兴让大家知道,跨界别调解工作小组已完成报告和建议。As regards promotion of mediation, I am pleased to report that the cross-sector Working Group on Mediation has completed our Report and recommendations.

民主党派作为人民政协的重要界别,具有不同于其他界别的显著特点和优势。Being an important sector in the CPPCC, democratic parties have their distinctive characteristics and advantages which are different from other sectors.

若然未来所有合资格的选民都能在功能界别选举中投票,这可能会是普选的一个模式。Should all eligible electors be able to vote in functional constituency elections in the future, this could be one of the models for universal suffrage.