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他是一个下等军官。He is an inferior officer.

有一种下等的紫红色①。There is a purple from below.

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什么是下等痛悔?What is imperfect contrition?

游泳、冲浪或呆在空调下等。Swimming, surfing,under the air-condition and so on.

为妥当修和,下等痛悔也够了么?Is imperfect contrition sufficient for a good Confession?

我们在接待室中坐下等饮料送来,鸨儿问我为什么不也找个姑娘。We sat down in the reception room and waited for the drinks.

对纳粹党来说,乌克兰人和犹太人一样,是「下等人类」。To the Nazis, the Ukrainians, like the Jews, were"subhumans".

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曼希沃的妻子鲁意莎,是下等阶级的一个呆头呆脑的女人。Louisa, Melchior's wife, was a stolid woman of the lower class.

在欧洲的那些日子他常常去下等酒吧。He used to habituate the dirty bars during those days in Europe.

有一长排的计程车在有柱的拱廊下等。There was a long line of taxis waiting under the pillared arcade.

钟离向贺俊峰问起,那天晚上为什么一直在楼下等自己?Clock from the He Junfeng asks, why always wait downstairs that night?

把工作视为一种下等劳动是一个很严重的问题。And that’s really the biggest problem with seeing work as menial labor.

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男人希望有人能去做那些男人自己不愿去做的下等工作They want someone to work for dead end jobs, which normally men do not take.

人们都站在沃尔玛门口的遮雨篷下等雨停。We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Wal-Mart.

我一直在说的下等语言在某些方面非常方便。The debased language that I have been discussing is in some ways very convenient.

波格尔团结其他下等人,组成一支叛军,企图推翻哈迪斯政权。Gathering other Lessers, Poggle formed a mutinous brigade to topple Hadiss's regime.

食人魔说下等通用语。一些更聪明的会说通用语和兽人语。Ogres speak Low Common. Some of the more intelligent ones may speak Common or Orcish.

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他们简单地用一种两分法划为上、中、下等阶级。They defined simply by a dichotomous division within the upper , middle, and lower classes.

那个村子里的孩子们现在还在那棵猴面包树下等着呢,等那个可怜的bo出现。The village kids were still camped beneath the baobab, waiting for the poor bo to come down.

如果意识思维相同,邮局的下等职员不亚于一个皇帝。A sub-clerk in the post office is the equal of a conqueror if consciousness is common to them.