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高屋建瓴的小镇之上。Above the roof-peaks of the town.

他高屋建瓴而受到人民的尊敬。He is respected by his people for his farsightedness.

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不要憎恨作恶者,最终你将会高屋建瓴。Let the perpetrator free from of your enmity and ultimately you will be on top.

不过很少有人相信东盟经济共同体这一高屋建瓴地的目标会得以实现。Few believe that the ASEAN Economic Community will come about as its architects hope.

公司秉承着“追求卓越、永不停步”的企业精神,高屋建瓴。Company uphold the "pursuit of excellence, and never stop" spirit of enterprise, farsighted.

这不过是略微展现了一下“高屋建瓴”的达沃斯论坛时常会做出的空中画饼姿态?Just a bit of pie-in-the-sky posturing of the sort that often occurs in high-altitude Davos?

首先高屋建瓴地对吐谷浑的历史沿革进行了概述。First of all, from a strategically advantageous position in the history of Tuyuhun summarized.

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它高屋建瓴,呼吸着天空稀薄的气氛,吸引着地上仰慕的眼光。It is high, breathing the rarefied air of the sky, attracting the eyes of admiration on the ground.

所谓战略性,主要是其内容高屋建瓴,具有原则性和长效性的作用。The so-called strategic, mainly its content from a commanding height, with a principled and long-term role.

只有一个这样高屋建瓴的安全的战略,那么中国的强国之路才能够走得更加顺利。Only a strategically advantageous security plan such as this can guarantee that China's development path is smooth.

胡主席的讲话高屋建瓴,增进了国际社会对中国的理解。Being made from a strategic height, President Hu's speeches increased the international community's understanding about China.

不过,即便是再怎样高屋建瓴,抛出一记文学价值的大棒,也不会将网络文学砸死。However, even then how farsighted, dished out a big stick in mind the value of literature, literature network would not killed.

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针对这些困难,本文指出了品牌战略在国际化过程中高屋建瓴的航标作用,给中国品牌国际化的策略提供了有效路径。The article points out the key roll of brand strategy in the process of internalization, providing an effective way for Chinese brands.

我们首先高屋建瓴地看一下这种DSL的使用情况,然后再一步步详细讨论它的实现。Let's begin with a high level run through of how this DSL can be used and move into a step by step detailed discussion of the implementation.

一方面,要成为一个标志,一座建筑必须要提出一个全新并且浓缩的意向,在抽象形态或者建筑完形上高屋建瓴,并且要从城市中脱颖而出。On the one hand, to become iconic a building must provide a new and condensed image, be high in figural shape or gestalt, and stand out from the city.

在这个采用“瘦身”、“吝啬”的运营理念的时代,雇主们要找能高屋建瓴的思考、超水平发挥的员工。In this day of lean and mean operations philosophy, employers are looking for employees who can think bigger and perform duties above and beyond their jobs.

高屋建瓴的理论指导和根植社会的磨砺是大韬的基石,健全的专业团队结构是项目一体化运作的保障。From the theory and rooted social refined big cover the cornerstone of a sound professional team structure is the integration of project operation protection.

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杨洁篪部长字字珠玑、高屋建瓴的讲话令我们对伟祖国蒸蒸日上和中国外交蓬勃发展感到无比自豪。Minister Yang Jiechi's graceful and insightful remarks made us extremely proud of the rising and prospering Motherland and the vigorous development of China's diplomacy.

既需改革者顶层设计、高屋建瓴,更需充分讨论、厘清思路、限定事实和问题,找寻方向。The solution will require not only policymakers' top-level designs but also path-finding based on full discussions, brainstorming of ideas, and identification of facts and issues.

会上不但有越来越多的综述,这样你可以高屋建瓴地了解整个领域,也有个人报告-15分钟的小报告介绍新进展。More and more reviews so that you can get an overview of the entire area whereas there is also individual presentations— the15- minute mini-presentation talking about the new sciences.