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我的红领巾呢?Where is my red scarf?

学生们在红领巾农场积极地劳动。Students are working on the Red Scarf Farm.

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志愿者们在学习系红领巾。Volunteers learned how to wear the red scarf.

少先队员在校内必须佩戴红领巾。Young Pioneers must wear red scarfs in school.

鲜艳的红领巾就是少先队员的标志。The bright red scarf is Young Pioneer's symbol.

同学们,红领巾是国旗的一角。Students, and red scarf is a flag of the iceberg.

那就是先从佩戴好红领巾开始。That is good to wear red scarf from the beginning.

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第四个月,所有的孩子都有了红领巾。Fourth month, all children had their own red scarfs.

如果没有正确佩戴红领巾的话,老师会及时的纠正。If the tie was tied incorrectly a teacher had to reprimand.

看,所有的那些少先队员都戴着红领巾。Look, all of those Young Pioneers are wearing their red scarves.

中国的许多小学生都戴红领巾。The red kerchief is worn by many first school students in China.

初入小学,老师便为我们带上了鲜艳的红领巾。When we entered primary school, dear teachers gave us the red scarf.

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我们还给小雪人系上了红领巾,特好看!We returned to the snow man tied a red scarf especially good-looking!

今年,我也为一年级的小朋友带上了鲜艳的红领巾。This year, I have the children for a year to bring a bright red scarf.

当然,少先队员们是肯定会带上红领巾的。And of course pioneers wore a red pioneer tie, the main must-have item.

如果我能带着红领巾,牵着红旗的一角,那多好啊!If I take the red scarf, holding a corner of the red flag, how wonderful!

我们都知道红领巾是红旗的一角,是用烈士的鲜血染成的。We all know that red scarf is a red flag of the iceberg, is into martyrs.

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他从口袋里取出一条红领巾,给了他的小女儿。He took out a red scarf from his pocket and gave it to his little daughter.

下面,有请少先队员为我们的嘉宾赠上红领巾!Next, let's invite the young pioneers to give a red scarf to each of the guests!

我们应该低头想一想我们为什么要每天上学时要戴红领巾?We should think about why do we have to bow to school every day to wear red scarf?