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放回锅中。Return to the pan.

所有鸡腿倒回锅中。Return all of the chicken to the pan.

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当心回锅再煮的肉,以及与你和解的老敌手。Beware of meat twice boiled, and an old foe reconciled.

把鸡肉回锅,淋上备好的酱汁拌炒让每块鸡肉均匀上色入味。Return the chicken to the wok and stir sauce and cook until sauce thickens.

沥掉锅里多余的油脂,放回锅头,加热,加些青葱。Drain excess fat from pan, then return the pan to heat and add the shallots.

现在土豆应该煮好,捞出滤水再放回锅内,撒橄榄油,加盐和胡椒。Drizzle with a couple of good lugs of olive oil and add a pinch of salt and pepper.

把剩下油放入烧热,放入洋葱炒出香味,加入胡萝卜翻炒1分钟后加入甜椒和黑木耳,把面条回锅翻炒,加入调味,翻炒完全均匀后盛起。Heat up again the wok with the rest oil, add in onion and stir fry until fragrant.

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用过滤器沥净锅里的水,再把奎奴亚藜倒回锅里。Drain off the water in the pan through a strainer, and return the quinoa to the pan.

将酱汁拿回锅中加热,熬煮浓缩,加入松露条后并调味。Return the sauce to the heat, reduce, add the truffle julienne and correct the seasoning.

这里给出的答案是“高到在牛排落回锅里摔成碎肉之前的高度。”The answer, it turns out, is "high enough that it would disintegrate before it hit the ground."

最后拌入生粉水埋芡,鸡件放回锅内即可品尝。Stir in cornflour mixture and cook until sauce thickens . Return chicken pieces to sauce. Serve.

在平底锅放橄榄油及蒜蓉,加热,将菠菜放回锅炒约2分钟,备用。In a pan, fry minced garlic with little olive oil and return the leave to stir-fry for 2 minutes. Set aside.

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放入洋?及蘑菇炒香,鸡件回锅,倒入啤酒及清鸡汤煮滚,再炆30分钟。Saut? onion and mushroom, return the chicken pieces, pour in beer and chicken broth, bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes.

虾仁回锅同炒,加入调味后,用湿淀粉勾薄芡,兜匀即可盛出。Return the shrimps to the skillet. Season and thicken with the starch solution. Stir until all the ingredients are well combined and dish off.

三个半敞开式软面饼,夹炸鱼块、白菜丝、酸奶油和墨西哥辣酱,配墨西哥鲜番茄沙沙酱、青柠檬角、墨西哥米饭和回锅豆泥。Three soft corn tortillas filled with fried fish, shredded cabbage, sour cream, hot sauce, and lime. Served with a side of Mexican rice and beans.

将上述剩余混合物用搅拌器搅拌成匀浆,倒回锅中,加入蜂蜜、柠檬汁和甘油,然后搅拌,再慢火煮2分钟。Blend the mixture in a blender until smooth. Pour back into the pan and add the honey, lime juice, and glycerin, then stir and simmer for 2 minutes.

将调好的黑椒汁和上汤入锅烧开。牛肉和洋葱丝回锅翻炒1分钟左右即可盛盘。Pour in the prepared sauce and the stock. Bring to a boil. Return the beef and onion to the skillet. Stir for about 1 minute until cooked. Dish off.

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随即把虾放回锅中,下绍酒,倒入汁料翻炒至虾熟、并有干香味,起锅上碟。Then the shrimp back into the pot, the next Shao liquor, poured into the stir fry sauce to the shrimp, cooked, and have dry fragrance, clean wok on the plate.

把浓汤放回锅内煮,直至再沸起后加入青瓜条,最后撒下芫荽碎,加入调味料即可。Pour sticky soup back into wok for stewing until re-boiling, then add in shredded green cucumber, then sprinkle chopped Chinese parsley, add in seasonings, serve.

四季豆回锅,加入其它材料中到大火不断翻炒直到完全收汁,大约2-3分钟。Return the fried beans, and add in the rest of ingredients. Toss vigorously over medium-high heat until all liquids are reduced and absorbed, about 2 to 3 minutes.