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灵魂是有形还是无形?Is the soul visible or invisible?

这种体验几乎是有形的。The experience is almost tangible.

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它是存在的,它是有形的。It will exist. It will be tangible.

有有形的劳动和无形的劳动。There is visible labor and invisible labor.

而现在,直发则有了丝般的质感,不再扁平单调,变得更加有形了。Now, it's got a silky texture. It's not flat.

唯这狐仙精灵有形相伴!This is accompanied by visible CD wizard fox!

有形如帽子样簇毛的印度猕猴。Indian macaque with a bonnet-like tuft of hair.

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他把它们称为“不可或缺化”和“有形化”。He called them "indispensability" and " tangibility.

你可以感觉到那种氛围,它几乎是有形的。You could feel it in the air. It was tangible almost.

及至1958年,政府関闭所有有形的教会。By 1958 the government had closed all visible churches.

其他标点是有形标点,空符是无形标点。In contrast to the other punctuations, it is invisible.

有形资产是您能够看到、感觉到或触摸到的对象。A tangible asset is an object you can see, feel or touch.

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因为神格一切的丰满,都有形有体的居住在基督里面。For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

他以流浪罪被捕,因为他没有任何有形的生活来源。He was vagged because he had no visible means of support.

有形资产是您能够看到、感觉到或接触到的对象。A tangible asset is an object you can see, feel, or touch.

因为神本性一切的丰盛,都有形有体的居住在基督里面。For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

那是因为传授技巧是有形的可度量的。That's because passing skills are tangible and measurable.

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钻模有形地限制和控制钻削刀具的路径。Jigs physically limit and control the path of the cutting tool.

在外部皮肤的盒子识别这些有形成分。The boxes on the outer skin identify these tangible components.

更新的水平滚动条有形竞争树的看法。Updated horizontal scrollbars visible on Competition Tree view.