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通过让染上此病的动物在洞内乱跑。By infecting animals and letting them loose in the burrows.

军方扬言如果内乱继续就实行军管。The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest continues.

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请照顾好您的小孩,不要在观众厅内乱跑,以免摔伤。Please take care of your children and keep them seated to avoid any possible tumbles.

唐朝灭亡不久,南昭国因内乱也开始崩溃瓦解。Nanzhao itself collapsed from internecine warfare shortly after the Tang Dynasty fell.

16世纪初由于内乱日趋衰落,1532年被西班牙殖民者灭亡。The early 16th century because of strife waning, in 1532 by the Spanish colonists perish.

发生拉沙热流行的许多国家的内乱阻碍了有效控制。Civil unrest in many of the countries where Lassa fever is endemic has impeded effective control.

乌干达政府本来已稍微平息了内乱,并开始集中精力对付圣主抵抗军。The Ugandan government had otherwise made or enforced relative peace and began to focus on the LRA.

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在国穷民困、内乱外辱的近代中国,教育救国的理想承载着国人期望。Modern Chinese people expected to save the nation from poorness and weakness by developing education.

天眷新制与至宁内乱是金朝具有重大转折意义的两大事件。The new system of Tian Juan and the civil strife of Zhi Ning were two crucial events in Jin Dy-nasty.

但是如今霍乱疫情跨过林波波河直逼南非国内,这使得南非对于如何治理津国国内内乱的辩论徒然增温。But the spread of cholera across the Limpopo river into South Africa has intensified the debate there.

时而短暂,时而持久的内乱和冲突几乎遍及全世界的每一个区域。And civil strife and conflict, sometimes brief, sometimes sustained, mar nearly every region in the world.

美国军方已在“内乱规划”在过去三十年来训练军队和警察。S. military had been training troops and police in "civil disturbance planning" for the last three decades.

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归纳总结第二次大内乱与分裂对匈奴史和汉匈关系史产生的影响。Forth , summarize the influence of the civil strife and split in history of Hun nation and Han-Hun relationship.

封建时代皇家立嗣处理不好往往会引发宫廷内乱。In feudal times, the inappropriate decisions of the successor to the throne often lead to civil strife in the court.

然而,我们现在也确实看到一些明确迹象,显示动荡和内乱对健康构成了威胁。However, we are seeing right now some stark evidence of the threat to health arising from instability and civil unrest.

它已应付过巨大的国土扩张、外战、内乱及国际关系所带来的压力。It has met every stress of vast expansion of territory, of foreign wars, of bitter internal strife, of world relations.

孔仲佳更提议把事情推在文学庭身上,制造文家内乱,林希贤轰然叫好。Kong Zhongjia proposed to push things in the literature on court, making home civil strife, Lin Xixian came to applaud.

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利比亚自2月15日开始反对政府的非暴力示威以来一直被内乱所笼罩。Libya has been gripped by civil strife that began with nonviolent demonstrations against the government on February 15.

谣传说总统已病入膏肓,没有能力在任期内返回内乱中的尼日利亚。Rumours that the president was critically ill and unable to return to the presidency have been swirling around Nigeria.

空中交通和埃及已经减少到涓流内乱以来在邻国爆发的最后一周。Air traffic to and from Egypt has been reduced to a trickle since civil unrest erupted in the neighbouring country last week.