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你的时间不能自己支配。Your time is not your own.

什么支配我的生活。Which predominating my life.

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支出须由收入支配。Income must govern expenditure.

这就是狗儿怎么变得支配欲强的。That's how dogs become dominant.

这钱由我们自由支配使用。The money is at our own disposal.

他们是规则支配的讲话。They are rule-governed in speech.

支配者侧了由二夸克。A Dominator flanked by two Quarks.

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该轮到我处于支配地位了。It was MY time to assume ascendency.

她常为一种莫明其妙的恐惧情绪所支配。She was often seized by a panic fear.

很强大的力量,正支配着地球诞生。Mighty in power, ruling the earth-born.

当然,我有可自由支配的收入。Of course, I have discretionary income.

通常做这个工作的时间可以自己自由支配。Often this can be done in your own time.

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阿斯莫德邪恶力量,支配,暴政。Asmodeus Evil Power, domination, tyranny.

聪明人使财富为自已服务,傻瓜却任它支配自已。Riches serve a wise man but mands a fool.

它照亮并支配了这个沙漠。It lights up this desert and dominates it.

吉博承认竞争对手的市场支配地位。Mr. Gibeau conceded his rival's dominance.

是啊,我闲不住—尽管我的时间是由我自己支配。No, I'm not idle—though my time is my own.

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权力与支配欲是我们唯一真正关心的事。Power and domination are all we care about.

他们想要得到影响力和支配力。They want to gain influence and manipulate.

我们必须习惯资源的膨胀和支配。We have got used to expansion and dominance.