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腾跃以腾跃姿势跳跃…To leap in a curvet.

不用手的休息姿势。Doing a no-hands-rest.

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他的姿势那么难看。His gesture is so awful.

同样,你的姿势是关键。Also, your posture is key.

梅金在椅子上换了个姿势。Megan shifted in her chair.

就必须放低自己的姿势。Have to lower their position.

诚笃,但要保持正面姿势。Be honest but remain positive.

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你可以在任何姿势下进行。You can do it in any position.

她在相机前摆出做作的姿势。She postured before the camera.

我家的猋,真的很喜欢这姿势!My pet was really like that pose!

他们想得到的姿势比印度爱经都多。They know mores than the Kamasutra.

她的姿势暗示了他们的暧昧关系。Her gesture suggested their liaison.

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威德尔海的一只海豹摆好姿势来张特写。A weddell seal posing for a snapshot.

对你最爱的姿势保持沉默。Stay silent about what you like best.

试着重演你早上睡觉醒来的姿势。Try re-enacting your morning wake-up.

他站着的姿势活象一位芭蕾舞中的剑客。He stood like a swordsman in a ballet.

坐的姿势要端正。The posture of sitting should be good.

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这种姿势通常同懒散画上等号。This posture often involves slouching.

她重新摆了个姿势。She rearranged herself in another pose.

他又滑下来恢复到原来的姿势。He slid back into his previous position.