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这西瓜瓤儿太肉了。The pulp of this watermelon is too spongy.

用时将瓜瓤取出,用消毒洁净毛巾吸干水份。When it rang out with with a sterile towel dry clean water.

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这种瓜的瓜瓤是黄色的,味道也不错。The inside of this kind of melon is yellow and tastes very good.

他会将每个南瓜都挖空,然后丢掉里面的种子和瓜瓤。Each squash is then hollowed out and the seeds and pulp are thrown away.

用大汤匙挖出瓜瓤盛起,下过滤水二斤浸泡。With large spoon dug rang Sheng, the next filtered water Erjin immersion.

现在,大家分吃西瓜皮,把西瓜瓤留给短尾巴小猴吃。Now, everyone eat watermelon skin, leaving the rest for short-tail monkey to eat.

南瓜真硬,里边的瓜瓤粘糊糊的,清理完一个南瓜后我的手感觉累了。The pumpkin was hard and the inside was sticky, so my hand felt tired after that.

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在收集瓜籽之前,他会将瓜瓤切出来,然后放进冰箱冰镇了再吃。Before he harvests the seeds, he cuts out the hearts and puts them in the refrigerator to eat.

他在柜台跟前等待着,慢慢地嗅着药品那冲鼻子的气味以及海绵和丝瓜瓤那满是灰尘的干燥气味。He waited by the counter, inhaling the keen reek of drugs, the dusty dry smell of sponges and loofahs.

籽用南瓜的POD活性在果肉和瓜瓤中分别呈现出下降和上升的趋势。Increase and decrease tendency of activities of POD were found in flesh and pulp of seed-used pumpkin.

利用植物载体丝瓜瓤对无花果曲霉进行固定,并对直接冻黄G进行脱色研究。The decolorization of chrysophene G by Aspergillus ficuum immobilized on luffa cylindrical sponge was studied.

一段某无名小孩在掏空瓜瓤的西瓜内行动的视频在Youtube网站爆红。An unidentified child was captured on video sitting inside a hollowed-out watermelon in the latest YouTube sensation.

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红红的西瓜瓤儿,绿色的西瓜皮,黑色的西瓜籽,看着看着,不知不觉地口水就流下来了。The West rang a few red, green watermelon rind, black watermelon seed, looking at watch, unknowingly saliva to flow down.

在一个炎热的夏天,有四只小蚂蚁发现了一半西瓜,西瓜的瓜瓤红红的,瓜籽黑黑的,西瓜皮绿绿的,看起来很新鲜。On a hot summer, there are four small ants found half watermelon, watermelon red flesh, black seeds, watermelon and green, looks very fresh.

巨龟乔纳森从龟壳里探出脑袋,身上积了两百年的污垢已经小心擦除,清理工具是丝瓜瓤、软刷和手术肥皂。Jonathan the giant tortoise has come out of his shell after centuries of grime were painstakinglyscrubbed off his back with a loofah, soft brush and surgical soap.