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什么是部首?。What are radicals?

你知道这个字的偏旁部首吗?Do you know the radical of this word?

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学习一个新的笔画“撇点”和三个新的偏旁部首“讠”、“亻”和“女”。Learn a new stroke and recognize three new radicals.

写出带有下列偏旁部首的字。Write the Chinese characters with following radicals.

分析部首表意性是有意义的。Analyzing ideographic nature of radical is meaningful.

生字汉语拼音、配音动画笔顺、部首、例句。With Hanyu Pinyin, Stroke Illustrations, Radicals and Example Sentences.

最后两笔当作为部首和独立汉字时书写顺序相反。The last two strokes are reversed for being radical or independent Hanzi.

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采用拼音检字法和部首检字法两种,方便易查。Convenient location of characters through either phonetic or radical reference 4.

全书提供音序、笔画、部首多种检字法,便于检索。Indexing methods based on phonetics, strokes and radicals are provided in this book.

目前的识字教学中,部首的名称较混乱。In the present Chinese characters teaching, the radicals' appellations cause much confusion.

同日,西部首条地铁线四川成都地铁一号线也正式通车试运营。Meanwhile, in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, western China also got its first subway line today.

复习目前所学之教材,练习讨论汉字、说出部首和笔画名称等。Review of material so far. Practice talking about characters, naming radicals, naming strokes etc.

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学习如何写汉字部首“西安3的姓氏”在这个自由轻松的在线视频和外语课。Learn how to write "Xian 3 a Surname" in Chinese radicals in this free video and easy online foreign language lesson.

在连续手写中文中,有偏旁部首离得较远的单字,单字之间可能会存在粘连、重叠。There are characters with apart far radicals and touching and overlapping characters in continuous handwriting Chinese.

片假名源于汉字的偏旁部首,主要是用来表示外来语或强调的。Katakana originated from the radicals of Chinese characters, and is mainly used to express foreign loanwords or emphasis.

同时教师也根据教学内容里出现的基本汉字、基础笔画和部首进行相关的练习。Meanwhile, Chinese language basics such as characters, strokes and radicals are also emphasized though abundant exercises.

部首检字法简介“是本书最后一项教学内容,也是本书所要达到的一个重要教学目标。The Radical Indexing System for Chinese Characters, though presented the last, is also an important component of this book.

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常见高频字,符合汉字偏旁部首规则,笔画在4~13划。Words were the common high-frequency characters, accorded to the law of Chinese characters components, and had 4-13 strokes.

正是这214个部首,对后世汉语辞书的编纂产生了巨大的积极的影响。The very 214 radicals in Bushou system played a very active role in the editing of Chinese dictionaries in he following time.

本书分为“部首三字经”和“偏旁三字经”两篇。This book consists of two sections, Three Sinogram Verses Using Free Radicals and Three Sinogram Verses Using Bound Radicals.