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你能带我去见轮机长吗?Will you take me to the Chief Engineer ?

通知轮机长准备进锚地。Inform Chief Engineer of entering anchorage.

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轮机长,请在当地时间1200时前备车。Chief Engineer, please standby engine by 1200 LT.

轮机长,请在格林尼治时间1300时前备车。Chief Engineer, please standby engine by 1300 GMT.

轮机长,请在协调世界时1600时前备车。Chief Engineer, please standby engine by 1600 UTC.

我真希望你们轮机长星期五早晨能见我。I do hope your chief engineer could see me on Friday morning.

值班轮机员应在何时叫轮机长?When will an engineer in charge of watch call the Chief Engineer?

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轮机长留下了口信,他将很乐于见你。The chief engineer has left a message for you. He'll be glad to see you.

三副,请通知轮机长在当地时间1300时前备车。Third Officer, please inform Chief Engineer of standby engine by 1300 LT.

三副,请通知轮机长在协调世界时1500时备车。Third Officer, please inform Chief Engineer of standby engine by 1500 UTC.

请问你想见谁?轮机长呢,还是大管轮?Who do you want to see, may I ask, the Chife Engineer the Second Engineer?

请问你想见谁?轮机长呢,还是大管轮?Who do you want to see, may I ask, the Chife Engineer or the Second Engineer?

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“布玛”·瓦莱里称呼轮机长蒂罗尔为“轮机长”,而非“盖伦”,即使临死时在他臂弯中也是如此。"Boomer" Valerii calls Chief Tyrol by "Chief" instead of "Galen, " even as she dies in his arms.

当值班轮机员接到紧急命令或指示时,它必须向轮机长汇报。When the duty engineer receives an urgent order or instruction, he must report to the chief engineer.

轮机长应该确认,所有轮机员对燃油转换程序非常熟悉。Chief engineer shall confirm all engineers to be familiar with the fuel oil change-over procedure very well.

制定政策,以便指示和监督船长和轮机长进行船只的维修工作。For on board maintenance, formulates policy for instructing and monitoring ship masters and chief engineers.

我从未后悔我晋升朵芮丝为上尉与让她担任我的轮机长的决定。I have never regretted my decision to assign Torres the brevet rank of lieutenant or make her my chief engineer.

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在海事管理中,船长和大副、轮机长和大管轮不得同时离船。Master and chief mate, chief engineer and second engineer are not permitted to go shore together during berthing time.

我知道你们一直工作很努力,但对加班费的事我不太清楚。我先跟你们的轮机长谈谈好吗?I know that you've been working hard, but I'm not very clear abut the overtime pay . Shall I talk about it with your chief engineer first?

我想知道是否能把我与轮机长会面时间从星期二早晨九点改成星期三下午三点。Id like to know if I could change my appointment with your chief engineer from nine oclock Tuesday morning to three oclock Wednesday afternoon.