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太阳会晒裂木材。The sun checks timber.

我们从树木获取木材。We get wood from trees.

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这种木材容易裂。This wood cleaves easily.

他们从森林中获取木材。They get wood from forests.

这块潮湿的木材有些翘郓了。The damp wood began to warp.

它们通常是用木材做的。They are usually made of wood.

美国木材出口创新纪录。US wood exports hit new highs.

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十只绿青哇,在一些小木材上。Ten green frogs,On a little log.

汤姆扛著木材进入大厅。And Tom bears logs into the hall.

从纽约,格雷格木材的报告。From New York, Greg Wood reports.

十只绿青哇,在一些小木材上。Ten green frogs, On a little log.

蒸汽机车357号以木材为燃料升火鸣笛。SL 357 was firing by burning wood.

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这些木材被拖到锯木厂。The timber was snaked to sawmills.

现在有更多的木材需要运输。There's more timber to tra ort now.

木材在风里干得很快。Timber seasons quickly in the wind.

优质木材工艺品。High-quality wooden arts and crafts.

草坪上四处散置着木材。The lawn was dotted over with timber.

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现在有更多的木材需要运输。There’s more timber to transport now.

木材应从森林运出来。Logs must be hauled out of the forest.

这些课桌椅是木材制成的。The desks and chairs are made of wood.