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爱是一种错觉,就将错就错吧!Love is always my gift to you!

在三个层面上可见这是一个错觉。For delusion it is, on three levels.

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他的侄孙女没有这样的错觉。His great-niece has no such illusions.

但显然这只是一个错觉。But apparently this is only an illusion.

是我的错觉呢,还是你真的瘦了许多?Is my illusion? Or do u really lost much?

这样会给人造成错觉。This will give people a false impression.

但这其实只是一个哲学错觉But that's really a metaphysical illusion.

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但停顿只是一种心理错觉而已But the pause is a psychological illusion.

首先,我们不再被错觉蒙蔽。First, we are not blindsided by illusions.

现实,撼钝人世错觉。Realism, shakes blunt the human's feeling.

即使你有真的性觉醒错觉。So even you can misattribute real arousal.

这些幻象从来没有一个令他产生过什么错觉。None of these visions ever quite deluded him.

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而事实上,这样的场景只是一种光学错觉。But the scene is actually an optical illusion.

上面这些都是由预期产生的错觉。Well all of these are illusions of prospection.

对自我的错觉对于人类是非常非常平常的事。Now self-delusion in humans is very, very common.

如果你们认为可以,我只能说这只是一种错觉。If you think you can, I say it is all an illusion.

这是由微弱光线引起的视错觉。It's an optical illusion caused by the weak light.

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你把你的人性出卖给了一个错觉。You sold your humanity for nothing but an illusion.

我觉得这纯粹是一种谬论和错觉。I answer, that this is a gross fallacy and delusion.

毫无疑问,三星助长了这种错觉。No doubt inadvertently, Samsung feeds this delusion.