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我想你当律师总阅过不少人情世故吧!I suppose you saw a lot of human nature as a solicitor.

他觉得人们看不起他不懂人情世故。He felt people were contemptuous of his lack of sophistication.

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我只是个不懂人情世故的孩子。I just do not understand the traditional code of conduct child.

他精于人情世故,在某些方面酷似伏尔泰。He was a man of much worldly wisdom, and in some ways resembled Voltaire.

他还很年轻,又缺乏经验,不懂得人情世故。He's very young and inexperienced, and doesn't know about the ways of the world.

在那张敏箫学会了“人情世故”,学会了和社会上各种人打交道。Zhang learned to be "worldly"– to deal with different kinds of people in society.

在那张敏箫学会了“人情世故”,学会了和社会上各类人打交道。Zhang learned to be "worldly" – to deal with different kinds of people in society.

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他认为,这些行为都必须要有懂得人情世故的自觉才行。And these kinds of behaviors, he argues, require a sophisticated awareness of oneself.

那位普通读者有着关于人情世故的丰富智慧和知识。The ordinary reader is endowed with considerable wisdom and knowledge of the way of the world.

“调解邻里纠纷,很多涉及人情世故,是法律解决不了的,”王贺说。"Mediate neighborhood disputes, many of which stood, the law can not be resolved, " said Wang He.

教学内容涵盖中华文化之社会、历史、地理及人情世故。The teaching materials include Society, History, Geography, and Worldly Wisdom in Chinese Culture.

亚洲的经历使他深谙当地、尤其是中国的人情世故。His years in Asia have left him an instinctive understanding of local folkways, especially China's.

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他的某些长于“人情世故”描写的短篇小说,已达到了很高艺术境界。His some short novels which are good at worldly wisdom description arrive at very high artistic realm.

军队提供给服兵役很好的学习贸易、专业技能以及在某种程度上,通晓人情世故,增加生活经验的机会。Military service offered a chance to learn a trade or profession and, in some cases, to see the world.

他想,如果有了什么事,谁能叫这个对人情世故一无所知的傻孩子承担责任呢。And how could anyone lay the responsibility for any action, he thought, on this stupid bewildered child?

我们每个人在一生中经历着一些挫折,他们我们带来了关于人情世故的宝贵的教训。Each of us experience setbacks in life, all of which provide us with valuable lessons about the human condition.

圆滑的人情世故,皮笑肉不笑的虚伪奸诈应酬,脏了谁的眼睛,浑浊了谁的纯美心灵?The sleek traditional code of conduct, crafty 's false entertainment, dirty whose eyes, turbidity who pure mind?

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她不过是洞察人情世故,知道稍微的让步也会让对手得寸进尺。She is but wisely realistic, knowing that the least concession is the inch which precedes that impossible the repulsive ell.

法制思想开始取代人们习惯多年的人情世故,其作为武器或保护盾的作用开始深入人心。A proper legal framework is starting to replace the habit of personal relationships as a principle weapon and defense to people's interest.

而父亲老陈的看法显然属于“成熟男人”的思想,洞悉社会的人情世故,所以一针见血找到了小陈的弱点。And the father's views apparently are outmoded "mature man" mentality, understanding social occasions, the right to find the weaknesses found.