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漂白剂脱色。Bleach removes colour.

这就是所谓的脱色。This is called depigmentation.

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脱色、做旧和老化治理。Decolour- worn out and aged attributes.

脱色、做旧和老化措置惩罚。Decolouration, worn out and aged aspects.

脱色反应为动力学零级反应。The decoloration reaction is a zero order.

坚固耐用,不脱色碳橡胶外底。Durable, non-marking carbon rubber outsole.

各球员必须穿着不脱色的胶底运动鞋。Players shall wear non-marking sports shoes.

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参赛者必须穿著不脱色胶底运动鞋。Participants must put on non-marking sneakers.

你的校服有脱色的现象吗?Had you ever discover your school uniform discolor?

在潘,获得脱色削减青葱在热油。In a pan, to gain decolour cut shallots in hot oil.

共计脱色的鼻子或内部的嘴唇。Total depigmentation of the nose or inside of the lips.

橡胶外底胶不脱色橡胶牵引吊舱。Gum rubber outsole with non-marking rubber traction pods.

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卸妆时请配合使用露华浓不脱色眼唇部卸妆乳。Removes gently with Revlon ColorStay Eye& Lip Makeup Remover.

本工艺简单,费用较低,町望成为一种理想的染料脱色新方法。This method is simple and may be a new way for decolorization.

各參赛者必须穿著不脱色胶底运动鞋。Participants must put on non-marking sports shoes for competition.

头发脱色和匙状甲表明营养不良。Depigmentation of the hair and spooned nails point to malnutrition.

对橡胶籽油的脱胶脱色的工艺进行了研究。Deguming and bleaching of rubber seed oil were studied in this paper.

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凹土的吸附脱色性能优于膨润土。Attapulgite clay presented better adsorption capability than bentonite.

脱色与皮肤美白或皮肤漂白并非一回事,也不相同。Depigmentation is not the same as "skin lightening" or "skin bleaching.

不脱色外底提供了极好的抓地力在潮湿和干燥的表面。Non-marking outsole delivers excellent traction on wet and dry surfaces.