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期待的重托也在给西班牙增加负担,欲将其拉垮。The weight of expectation could drag Spain down.

他受重托为她保管这财产。He is holding the property in great trust for her.

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向你重托真不好意思,请你推荐我去担任那职务好吗?I hesitate to ask you, but will you recommend me for the post?

突然间想起了两位驻地工程师的重托。I suddenly remembered the two resident engineers' great trust.

我想你应该牢记住我对你的重托。I think you ought to superimpose the great trust of mine on your heart.

徐新明律师当不辜负委托人的信赖与重托。With all these fine characters, Lawyer Xu will never let his clients down.

一段濒死经历过后,西方的金融巨头们可以如释重托了。After a near-death experience, the biggest banks in the West are breathing more easily.

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美利坚民众已然作出了抉择,然以布某区区之才恐有负同胞之信赖与重托!America has spoken, and I'm humbled by the trust and the confidence of my fellow citizens.

展望未来,全国文化会承载着业界同仁的重托与期望,定会再创新的辉煌!CSCF would make a new splendid point with expectations of all colleagues in the same trade.

文章分为四个部分,围绕着“历史画是历史的重托”进行论述。"History paintings is the great trust of history"is the main idea for the paper to elaborate.

我们一定要牢记党和人民的重托,坚决完成任务。We must bear in mind the trust of the party and the people, and resolutely to complete their tasks.

是你们信任和重托,让我们获得了事业的自信和崇高的责任感。It is your believe and great trust that has given us self-confidence and a lofty sense of responsibility.

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这种滥用,让总统选择什麽法律,他的意愿,以执行与否,推翻国会和人民的重托。This abuse lets the President choose what laws he wishes to enforce or not, overruling Congress and the people.

因而,SDO被寄以重托,科学家希望通过该通讯卫星能够真正了解耀斑危害。It is hoped the SDO will help scientists learn the damage solar flares can do to communication satellites and power supplies.

我的目光在千岛湖的水下,为了父老乡亲的重托,我必须如实反映这段历史,报告这迟到50年的真相。I look like in the underwater, for the folks who trust, I must truthfully reflect this history report this late 50 years of truth.

中国保信肩负着国家的重托和行业的期望,任务艰巨,责任重大。Shouldering the great trust of the country and industry expectations, CIITChas taken ondifficult tasks and significant responsibilities.

天父,在圣神与耶稣结合的光照下,请帮助教会不要辜负祢的重托,在世界中,充分发挥先知的警世角色。Heavenly Father, by the light of the Holy Spirit in union with Jesus, help our Church to play an increasingly significant prophetic role in the world.

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完成党和人民的重托和运动员自身的全面发展,既是眼前的问题,也是长远的问题。正确理解以人为本为核心的科学发展观是解决两大问题的前提。It is both a current issue and a long-term issue to fulfill the heavy task endowed by the party and the people, and the overall development of athletes.

年仅47岁的普京肩负着俄罗斯人民的重托,接过前任总统的重担,开始着手打造一个崭新的俄罗斯。With the great trust of the Russian people, Putin took over the heavy burden from his ex-president and launched to build a broad Russia at the age of 47.

有了国家好政策的支持和家人对我的重托与期望,既然如此,年轻的我又有何资格不去拼一拼、赌一赌呢?With the country a good policy support and trust of my family, and expectations, being so young, what qualifications I do not Qupin a fight, take a risk it?