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那喀拉峻草原呢?And the Kalajun Grassland?

在草原上飞得高。In the meadow is flying high.

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复迴在薄露如披的草原。Strolling on dew covered grass.

在草原山冈和岸边四处搜寻。On meadow, the hill and the shore.

给你尝尝草原上的酥油茶。Please try the milk tea of steppe.

蜥蜴在青青草原。And the lizards below in the grass.

煤炭成就了这座草原上的迪拜。Coal built this Dubai-on-the-steppe.

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草原老鹳草‘水花四溅’Geranium pratense L. 'Splish Splash'

草原田鼠却不会结成配偶。Meadow voles do not form pair bonds.

罗望子长满一望无际的草原。O'er plains where the tamarind grew.

草原田鼠就是其中之一。The prairie vole is one such animal.

这里有草原石人。There is a grassland stone man here.

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去年夏天在蒙古草原上。On a grassland, Mongolia last summer.

她就长眠在伊犁的草原上。She is sleeping on the Ili Grassland.

啊,卓玛,草原上的姑娘卓玛拉。Zhuoma, on prairie girl Zhuoma pulls.

但是,没有草原,没有森林,没有朝圣者。But, no meadow, no woods, no Pilgrims.

这是唯一的,最后的,草原。This is the unique and the last veldt.

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骏马在草原上奔驰。Sturdy steeds gallop on the grasslands.

草原的气候变化无常。The climate on grassland is capricious.

牧民在草原上策马前进。The herdsmen pranced on the grasslands.