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他们是尽人皆知的拥有大量钱财的人。They are known to be rolling in money.

在枫园,我的恋家是尽人皆知的。I was quite a proverb for it at Maple Grove.

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那山顶上的塔乃是尽人皆知的陆标。The tower on the hilltop is a well-known landmark.

您介绍的所有这些东西都是显而易见,尽人皆知的。All of this stuff is obvious and everyone knows it.

玛丽谎报年龄是尽人皆知的事实。It id known to everyone that Mary lied about his age.

海洋正在被人们过渡捕捞,许多年来这已是尽人皆知的事情了。That the seas are being overfished has been known for years.

迪拜有个尽人皆知的七星级“帆船酒店”,文莱呢?Dubai has a well-known seven-star "Burj Al Arab Hotel", Brunei it?

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那里的交通情况可悲可叹是尽人皆知的。It is common knowledge that the traffic situation there is deplorable.

该市警察暴行的丑恶记录全国各地尽人皆知。Its ugly record of police brutality is known in every section of this country.

红顶商人胡雪岩的故事尽人皆知。The story of the businessman moustache snow rock with red top is common to all.

尽人皆知,北京是中国的尾皆,而且2008年奥运会将正在那边举止。As you know, Beijing is the capital of China and 2008 Olympic Games will be held there.

莱娅是王族的养女,这是宫廷中尽人皆知的事实。It was common knowledge throughout the court that Leia was adopted into the Royal Family.

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事实上,尽人皆知,安慰剂效果难以识别,衡量,以及被清晰地界定。Indeed, the effect is famously difficult to identify, measure, and even coherently define.

然而,猫又以它们的轻浮而闻名,这也是尽人皆知的。那么到底猫是否真的对主人依恋呢?But cats are well-known for being fickle so do they really become attached to their owners?

容忍剥夺无辜者生命的神根本就不存在,这是尽人皆知的。There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know.

莎拉波娃于2004年在温网新后加冕,棒得她的第一座大满贯奖杯,自此便一举成名,尽人皆知。Sharapova's breakthrough came in 2004, when she won her first Grand Slam title at Wimbledon.

首先,缺乏所有权不利于良好的经营,这差不多尽人皆知了。Above all, it has become plain that the absence of ownership does not make for good management.

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但斯迪法诺普洛斯却认为这是一个糟糕透顶的主意,因为那样会弄得尽人皆知。Stephanopoulos thought that was a terrible idea because of all the publicity it would generate.

史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩已冷落妻子多年,即便在长城,这也是尽人皆知的。Even at the Wall, it was common knowledge that Stannis Baratheon had 'shunned his wife for years.

在客西马利园这一幕后,犹大似乎再没有出场,但他之后的举动却尽人皆知。It seems Judas faded out of the picture after Gethsemane but his subsequent actions are well known.