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这是一种清淡食物。They are a light victuals.

生意极为清淡。Business is deplorably dull.

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请做得清淡些。Please do it more insipidity.

由清淡的蒸饭开始尝试。Try it with plain steamed rice.

在这个季节生意清淡萧条。Business is slack at this season.

她烤的蛋奶酥总是这么清淡。Her souffles are always so light.

医生要她吃清淡的食物。The doctor dieted her on a light food.

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我喜欢口味清淡的沙拉。I perfer salads with lighter dressings.

一般而论,美国食物味道清淡。In general, American food is mild tasting.

清淡柔软,木木芬芳。Wood light, wood soft, Liang Guai Guai Co.

日本以生、冷、清淡的饮食品味为主。Japan to raw, cold, light taste-based diet.

红果3号糖酸含量合理,清淡适口。Hongguo 3showed well sugar and acid content.

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然后在晚上吃一点清淡,低卡路里的食物。Then eat a clean, low-calorie meal at night.

凉爽流畅的百威清淡型。永远值得。Refreshingly smooth Bud Light. Always worth it.

搭配清淡的开胃品、汤类及鱼类鲜美无比。Excellent with light appetizers, soups and fish.

清淡柔和的冷色调正适合夏天。Cool pastel shades are just the right for summer.

色调和谐,软嫩鲜香,清淡爽口。Color harmony, Ruannen delicious, light refreshing.

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喝补汤,清淡油少才是最佳选择。Drink tonic soup, light less oil is the best choice.

我喜欢广东菜,因为它味道清淡。I like Cantonese food because it's light in flavour.

鞑靼牛排是很清淡的食物,就像寿司一样。Steak tartare is really light it's like eating sushi.