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冲绳是天天天蓝…Everyday is shiney day !

天蓝依旧,岁月悠悠。Blue still, years leisurely.

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她回到了天堂,化作一小块的天蓝。She's just gone a little piece of blue sky now.

天蓝蓝,秋草香是心中的天堂。Sky blue, the fall grass fragrance is in heart's heaven.

孤单的天蓝和橘色。似乎也在无声哭泣。Lonely shamrock and orange. Also appears to be silent cry.

天蓝蓝,秋草黄伴云水的流长。Sky blue, the fall straw colored partner rain's class is long.

水碧天蓝,长夏无冬,全城遍植椰树,四季常青,婆娑多姿。With green water and blue sky, it is summer all the year around.

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她为育婴房选了橙色的窗帘,为书房先了天蓝的。She picked orange-colored curtains for the nursery and azure ones for the study.

尤西贝纳永和阿内尔卡也会是那天蓝军阵容中的一员。Yossi Benayoun and Nicolas Anelka will also be part of the Blues' squad that day.

颜色为独玉绿白,酱紫及天蓝,色泽持重,大气庄重。Color alone white jade green, sky blue and Jiangzi, color pragmatic , solemn atmosphere.

天蓝蓝的感觉好美,可是我的不知道会有多久。It's very beautiful when you see the blue sky, but I don't know how long this feeling will last.

天蓝蓝,秋草香是心中的天堂,谁把思念化翅膀是天边的向往。Sky blue, the fall grass fragrance is in heart's heaven, who the missing wing is horizon yearning.

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然后通过RAPD分子检测确定后代中含有天蓝偃麦草染色体组的DNA序列。Then, we used RAPD to detect all progenies, in which contained the DNA sequence of Thinopyrum intermedium.

我无声地在逼仄的田塍上徜徉,在天蓝地碧的日子里发出有力的叹息。Wandering on narrow field ridges in silence, I uttered a deep sigh in the days of blue sky and green land.

八倍体小偃麦是普通小麦与天蓝偃麦草杂交良好的桥梁材料。Octoploid a- grotriticum hybrid is an excellent material for the crossing with common wheat and A. glaucum.

和乌迪内斯和热那亚一样,天蓝衣军团做得很出色,最近进步很快。Just like Genoa and Udinese. They are teams that are doing very well and who managed to improve and grow quickly.

湖水是蓝色的,这蓝,很难形容,什么湛蓝、蔚蓝、天蓝,全不贴切,没有任何相片或者绘画,能准确的传达,非要亲历其境,才能深切体会。The water is blue, which is beyond presentation of any words or pictures. Without personal experience, you can't deeply understand it.

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小偃麦兼有小麦和天蓝偃麦草的酶带,是不同于小麦和天蓝偃麦草的八倍体新类型。There are bands of Triticum and Elytrigia in Tritielytrigia, they are new octoploid types that be different from Triticum and Elytrigia.

这位20岁的西班牙籍红军小将上赛季曾以租借身份效力于已经冲超成功的诺维奇,并在赛季收官战与天蓝军团考文垂的比赛中破门得分。The 20-year-old Spaniard spent time on loan at promoted Norwich last season, scoring against the Sky Blues on the final day of the campaign.

天蓝苜蓿种子发芽率低的主要原因是硬实导致种子难吸胀或吸胀后胚的伸长受阻,存在种皮抑制胚的现象。The main reason for low germination rate of Medicago lupulina L. was that hard seed made it difficult to extracted water or stopped embryo to stretch.