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“该死”是句粗话。"God-damn" is a profane word.

你在中国怎么说粗话?How do you say the f-word in Chinese?

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你们期待我不要说粗话。You expect me not to use foul language.

他运用短句和粗话。He used short sentences and rough words.

电视节目中的粗话已被用哔哔声干扰。The coarse language on TV was bleeped out.

这是体面场所,不要说粗话。It's a decent occasion. Don't use bad language.

女人讨厌男人辱骂女人或者说粗话。They hate men who abuse women or use foul language.

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那篇博士论文主要论述早期基督教里的粗话。The PhD was mainly on foul language in early Christianity.

要坦诚,用语得当,并避免俚语和粗话。Be honest, use proper grammar and avoid slang and expletives.

是谁在黑板上写的那些粗话?请擦掉!Who wrote those rude-words on the blackboard? Rub them off please!

“请不要在这幢房子里讲粗话,女士。”蕾蒂姨妈说。"No strong language in this house if you please, young woman, " said Aunt Letty.

我只是沿着这条路开下去,然后这个混帐东西——原谅我说粗话——就撞过来了!I was just driving down the road and this asshole-Excuse my French-rammed into me!

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不同于一般的是,这城市的人并不同样的过度使用粗话。However, people of this metropolis do not fall prey to the same overused vulgarities.

他的粗话是如此下流,以至于妇女们最好不要跟他就待。His foul language is so debased that women are advised not to stay long in his presence.

当R用他的袖子擤鼻涕,或者从口里蹦出一些粗话时,我从不生气。When Rafe wipes his runny nose on his sleeve or blurts out a rude word, it never upsets me.

他们满口粗话,不耐烦的辱骂,还有各种各样的咒骂,不堪入耳。There are muttered insults, impatient outbursts, and all manner of curses not fit for print.

人为什么要说粗话?为什么用上粗口会让我们感觉更好?我们怎么选要用什么词?Why do people swear? Why does using a swear word make us feel better? How do we choose which word we use?

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这67名志愿者称,在骂粗话的那一次中自己痛感较小,而且平均下来多坚持了40秒。When swearing, the 67 student volunteers reported less pain and on average endured about 40 seconds longer.

这是由于我小时候生活在那种可怕的粗话的环境里,我也给逼出来了。This is because I childhood live in in that kind of fearful vulgar language environment, I also gave compel.

苔丝认出他来了,他就是那个在酒店里对她说粗话被克莱尔打倒的有钱的村夫。She recognized in him the well-to-do boor whom Angel had knocked down at the inn for addressing her coarsely.