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检测方法主要是使用工况法。The Drive Cycle is the primary test method.

本文本不适用非全日制用工使用。The contract is not suitable for non-full-time employment.

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卖雨伞的阿姨。这种用工的美是最美的。Umbrella aunty. The beauty of a hard worker is the most beautiful.

定期举办用工招聘会,帮助企业引进人才和招聘工人。Help enterprises to introduce qualified personnel and employ workers.

如果我想明年继续念下去的话,我就得像个傻瓜样用工。If I still wanted to move up next year I`d have to work like an idiot.

只要工人用工便宜、工作努力就足够了。As long as its workers were cheap and worked hard, that was good enough.

连续用工的,实行正常的工资调整机制。In case of continuous placement, implement a normal wage adjustment system.

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第六十九条非全日制用工双方当事人可以订立口头协议。Article 69 The two parties to part-time labor may conclude an oral agreement.

新劳动法出台,如何避免用工风险?How to avoid employments risks with the implementation of the new labor laws?

用工单位不得将被派遣劳动者再派遣到其他用人单位。No accepting entity may reassign the dispatched workers to any other employer.

连续用工的,实行正常的工资调整机制。Adopting a normal salary adjustment system in the case of continuous placement.

皇陵的建造耗时38年,总用工超过70万人。Construction of the mausoleum lasted 38 years and involved over 700000 workers.

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第六十九条非全日制用工双方当事人可以订立口头协议。Article 69 Both parties that use non-full-time labor may sign an oral agreement.

随着用工率的回升,更多公司开始改进其员工推荐计划。As hiring picks up, more companies are revamping their employee-referral programs.

该系统用工控机实现了对汽车球形接头耐久试验的自动控制。The system realized auto-control over the fatigue test of automobile stud ball with IPC.

为用工单位与员工发展构建双赢与和谐的平台。Employment units and staff to build a win-win and harmonious development of the platform.

日前,巢湖市向用工单位发布了农民工工资兑现“限期令”。Recently, the Chaohu City labor units issued to farmers pay their workers, "the deadline."

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不同的信用工具有不同的汇率,即电汇汇率、信汇汇率和票汇汇率。The price of one currency in terms of another is called rate of exchange or exchange rate.

出口制造商是主要的用工大户,在中国商务部有很大的话语权。Export manufacturers are major employers and have a strong voice in China's commerce ministry.

董事长谭明矿介绍,工厂如今运转正常,用工方面还出现缺口。President Tan Ming mine introduced, factories are now functioning, employment gaps also occur.