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这一期限最多可以宽限60天。A 60-day leeway could be offered on this deadline.

你能再宽限我一个月结帐吗?Could you give us another month to settle an account?

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除木材外各干舷的淡水宽限为158毫米。Allowance for fresh water for all freeboard other than timber 158mm.

这账应该星期五以前付,但他们给我们一个星期的宽限。The bill should be paid by Friday, but they're giving us a week's grace.

如蒙允许对我们的支付款项多给30天宽限,我们将感谢不尽。We should be most obliged if you would grant us an additional 30 days usance on all payments.

要是富国真地推崇宽限债务,就应该卖出些IMF储备黄金来支付债务减免。If rich countries really believe in debt forgiveness, they should sell some IMF gold to pay for it.

但以理遂进去求王宽限、就可以将梦的讲解告诉王。At this, Daniel went in to the king and asked for time, so that he might interpret the dream for him.

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显然,这里的街道要容纳这么多的来往车辆是不够宽限抻就该把这些街道加宽了。Li Obeiously the streets here are not wide enough for all this traffic. It's high time they were widened.

恳求房东宽限几日再交清欠租,但我拿不准你能否成功。You can try pleading with the landlord for more time to pay the arrears. But I doubt whether you'll succeed.

投资者中有一半期待迪拜世界寻求银行的宽限,将其债务延期。Investors had half-expected Dubai World to seek forbearance from its bankers, asking them to extend their loans.

贷款紧缩时,厂商能给经销商宽限期限曾加库存而提高销售量。When credit is tight, manufacturers can extend more generous terms to help distributors carry a larger inventory and boost sales.

即使是在同一家公司的不同上司,如果公司给经理在奖励增长范围上给予很大的宽限,他们也可能会有不同的标准。Even changing bosses within one company can mean a different set of criteria, if the company gives managers a lot of latitude in awarding increases.

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我国执行程序不加区分、无条件地给予债务人宽限,实践中执行人员更会随意给予若干宽限。In China, the execution procedure gives debtors grace period without any distinction and condition. The bailiffs also favor them with many grace periods casually.

这也许部分反映出了Tamim的优先权,他与迪拜的管理者有着千丝万缕的联系,并且比这里几乎所有的公务人员享有更大的宽限。That may partly reflect the priorities of Mr. Tamim, who has strong ties to the city’s ruler and enjoys greater latitude than almost any other public official here.

逾时值是所要完成之高阶作业的宽限时间总量,因此任何重试作业都必须受限于先前所做尝试尚未用掉的时间。Timeouts are the total limit for high-level operations for which they are to complete, so any retries must be limited to the time not already accessed by earlier tries.

逾时值是其所要完成之高阶作业的宽限时间总量,因此任何重试作业都必须受限于先前所做尝试尚未用掉的时间。Timeouts are the total limit for high-level operations for which they are to complete, so any retries must be limited to the time not already consumed by earlier tries.

指债权人同意债务人只支付利息,暂时无须偿还本金的一段宽限期,在宽限期满前均不视为违约。The period extended by the creditor to a debtor to only pay the interest without reimbursing the principal. It is not a breach of agreement before the extra period expired.