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这就是我们的君子协定。Such is our gentleman's agreement.

我们订了个君子协定。We reached a gentleman's agreement.

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我认为他当时的声明就是和科比签下了君子协定。I think he made that as a gentleman's agreement with Kobe.

可悲的是,君子协定只在君子间有效。Sadly, gentlemen's agreements only work between gentlemen.

在日本,这类问题会由君子协定解决。In Japan, such matters would be settled by gentlemen's agreement.

这样一来,履行原来的“君子协定”自然就不成问题了。Come so, fulfill original " a gentleman's agreement " nature is unchallenged.

君子间的社会契约是一种君子协定。Social Contract pact among nobles is a social contract from one noble to another.

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自从1907年以来,日本向美国的移民一直是按照这一年的君子协定进行的。Japanese immigration to the United States had been regulated since 1907 by the Gentlemen's Agreement.

我没同他签订契约,但我们有君子协定,对我来说,那就够了。I've not signed contract with him but we've got a gentleman's agreement, and that's good enough for me.

我们所有的巡洋舰,都是为了要遵照这些条约限制和“君子协定”而取得的结果。All our cruisers were the result of trying to conform to treaty limitations and " gentleman's agreements".

我没有与他签合同,但我们定了个君子协定,我想这样就足够了。I have not signed contract with him but we have got a gentleman's agreement, and that's good enough for me.

大卫的租借期将会到2009年6月,但若遵循“君子协定”,大卫会在2009年3月9日就离开米兰。David will be on loan until June 2009, but there is a gentleman's agreement to release David on 9 March 2009.

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“我们有个君子协定,把工业参与与购买飞机联系起来,”Burbage说。"There is a sort of a gentleman's agreement in this game that ties industrial participation to buying airplanes," said Burbage.

英国的买房制度最初是依赖买卖双方没有法律支持的君子协定。The English system of house-buying depends initially upon a gentleman's agreement between the buyer and the seller without and backing from the law.

在佛罗伦萨把巴尔扎雷蒂转给西西里岛球队之后,帕勒莫和佛罗伦萨俱乐部就扎卡尔多的转会已经达成君子协定。There are confirmations concerning a gentlemen agreement between Palermo and Fiorentina for Zaccardo after the transfer to Sicily of Federico Balzaretti.

他的观点可能会导致与伊朗的关系紧张。自从两伊战争以来,两国都遵循一项君子协定,即在欧佩克内部保持配额相当。His position could cause tension with Iran. Since the Iran-Iraq war, the two countries have had a gentlemen's agreement to maintain similar quotas within Opec.

该规定是主要监管当局之间达成的君子协定,鼓励所有有国际性银行的国家遵照实行,但究竟能否得以实施则取决于各国是否有相关的国内法律。It is a gentlemen's agreement among leading regulators which all countries with international banks are encouraged to adopt, but which relies on national law for its implementation.

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双方有共同决心做到协议上的要求有时候比双方写下来的协议更重要,无论我们之间口头上达成了什么协议,日后都成为我俩之间的君子协定。The commitment to perform sometime precede the preparation of the Charter Party and whatever is may be that we have agreed verbally shall become a part of our gentlemen's agreement.

关于新税制,他事先征求了资产阶级的意见,和资产阶级订了君子协定,却没有向中央报告。Before the new tax system was initiated, he solicited suggestions from the bourgeoisie and reached a gentleman's agreement with them, but he failed to report to the Central Committee.

据报道,伊布曾与米兰签订了一份”君子协定”,假如米兰在本月限定期后取得冠军联赛席位,他将与他们签订转会合约。There are reports that Ibra has struck a 'gentlemen's agreement' with Milan that he will sign for them should they qualify for the Champions League proper after this month's qualifiers.