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但是它毕竟会时过境迁。But the past is, well, it's past.

他们以前不枪决女人,难道时过境迁了吗"They didn't shoot women, do they?"

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物换星移,时过境迁,言犹在耳。Mind, passage of time, still ringing in our ears.

所谓时过境迁,所谓,此一时彼一时。The passage of time, the so-called, times have changed.

可是时过境迁,那已经成为尘封的历史。But times had changed, it has become a dust-laden history.

但时过境迁,我知道这次是我自己不想要这个孩子。But this time was different. I knew I did not want the baby.

然而,时过境迁。今天,“自由选择”已经变成了“自由死亡”。But that was then. Today, “free to choose” has become “free to die.”

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这正是时过境迁看待事物的明智办法。That is the wise way to look at these things when once they are past.

时过境迁,当下艺术家并不需要以反抗为目标。The time has passed by, today's artists are no longer aiming to revolt.

时过境迁,当我回过身发现你仍然是我最珍惜的人。After all, when Iturn back, I found you are still the most precious for me.

否则,就是时过境迁的“前当代艺术”。Otherwise all we will ever have is a constantly shifting 'pre-contemporary art'.

往前看看就知道我们经历了一些伟大的时刻,但现在已经时过境迁。You look back and we had some great times, but it was probably time for a change.

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然而事到如今这种盛况却已是时过境迁了,我们今天的经济完全不同,劳工运动的势力也大不如前了。That is no longer true today. We are a very different economy and a much weaker labor movement.

虽然已经时过境迁,但人们总是可以看到文字的纪录,即便文字也总是在演变”。A lot of things change but people can always look to writing, even if in fact it always evolves.

虽然时过境迁,但阿迪达斯和德国足协仍一直保持着特殊的合作关系。Many things have changed since then, but the special relationship between the DFB and Adidas remains.

时过境迁,现在人们又开始谈论那些人,就是那些人在体系制度的庇护下制造了危机。Now we are back to talking about the people who created this crisis and the system that sustains them.

时过境迁,在麻省理工和其他地方,这个词就开始和电脑程序联系起来了。Over time, the word became associated with the burgeoning computer programming scene, at MIT and beyond.

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算算算,算了,不说这些了,时过境迁了,想想往后的日子咋办吧。Calculate calculate, forget it, do not say that these, the passage of time, think about the days to come.

但时过境迁,中国目前受制于信贷趋紧,也没有什麽富裕资金来推出更多的刺激措施.But times have changed, with Beijing's hands now tied by tighter credit and without stimulus cash to spare.

但时过境迁,如今这些电视台的益智类节目也都迎来了冷却期。But the passage of time, now that these educational television programs have ushered in a cooling-off period.