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这可是我的真情实感呀。It reveals my true feelings.

他的话传达了他的真情实感。His words conveyed his real feeling.

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所有糟糕的诗歌都来自真情实感。All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling.

它们都是作曲家真情实感的写照。It is created from the raw emotion of a composer

同时也从文字中流露出他的真情实感。Also from text midstream shows his real feelings.

表担心向别人表达你的真情实感。Don't be afraid to express your true feelings to people.

他想把自己的真情实感对她说,可他没说出来。He wanted to tell her his real feelings, but he bit the words back.

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当笔尖划过纸张,你的真情实感也会流露其中。Your true feelings will be outpouring on it when you doodled at a paper.

从各个角度研究了死亡,并表达了她的真情实感。She studies the death poetry from all angles and expresses her true feelings.

其弊病主要在于内容空疏、虚无缥缈,难以把握,使诗歌创作缺乏真情实感。The weakness lies in the emptiness of content, lacking in sincere true feelings.

需要那份特别的真情实感,两个相互牵挂的人就是家啊!Need that special genuine feeling solid feeling, two persons who concern about mutually be home!

但是,不论是出于对中国的真情实感,还是从尊重事实的角度来看,掩盖中国人性格中的弱点是错误的。But for the sake of China, as well as for the sake of truth, it would be a mistake to conceal what is less admirable.

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只有当作文与作文讲评的真情实感是“有效”的,才有教学论意义。Only when the true feelings of composition and composition review be "effective", can they be of pedagogic significance.

她害怕流露真情实感,所以做出引人瞩目的举动,提醒或激怒父母。She's afraid to express her true feelings so she resorts to attention-getting behaviors that alarm and infuriate her parents.

大人物们有许多崇拜者,但是他们之间可能没有真情实感。Somebodies may have many admirers, but they might not be able to make those personal connections that real friendship offers.

可我们却因为那种虚幻的束缚而抹杀了真情实感,这不能不说是一种生命的悲哀。Can we but because that vain tie but annihilated genuine feeling solid feeling, there in no don't say to is a kind of woe of life.

不论哪一类作品,都具有较强的艺术感染力。所以如此,是因为画家在创作中投入了真情实感。Whatever the subjects, all his paintings possess strong artistic attraction, since he poured all his sentiments into his creations.

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重提“性灵散文”的话题,在于倡导充分抒发作者性情和深切袒露心灵的、最具有真情实感的散文创作。In order to advocate the prose creation fully express the true feelings, here mentions again 'the prose of the individuality' topic.

吐露真情实感大家聚在一起不容易时,自然希望彼此都有个好心情。Risk expressing negative feelings when time together is tough to come by, it's natural to want the mood during that time to be upbeat.

给你自己一些有目标的平静时间吧,让自己尽情地赞赏你地人生和真情实感而不受外界干扰。Give yourself a moment of purposeful peace, where you can appraise your life and true feelings without distraction or outside influences.