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应收账款已被贴现。Receivables have been discounted.

向银行申请承兑汇票贴现。Acceptance to apply for the discount.

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有时候我们称之为现期贴现值Sometimes we say "Present discounted value."

我会给你个现期贴现价值I'll give you the present discounted value for it.

我会给你个现期贴现价值I'll give you the present discounted value for it."

下周中国发行273天期记账式贴现国债。China to issue 273-day book-entry T-bonds next week.

我们将把一张90天的期票交银行贴现。We shall lodge a 90-day note in the bank for discount.

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回到正题,你现在理解贴现债券了吗Anyway, I want to talk you understand now about discount bonds?

要记住贴现债券不支付利息The critical thing about a discount bond is it pays no interest.

象次级贷款和次级贴现也是一样的。The same is true with instruments like sub-loans and sub-discount.

低于面值购入之贴现债券,每年应将贴现收入摊入账面价值。The annual addition to book value contributed by bonds purchased below.

同时,下调中央银行再贷款、再贴现利率。At the same time, the central bank reduced refinancing and rediscount rate.

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他们认为一个公司的价值总是和它的贴现现金流保持一致。They think the true answer to what a company is worth is always a DCF away.

长沙承兑汇票贴现有必要符合哪些条件?Changsha acceptance bill discount is necessary to conform to what conditions?

本文对FIDIC合同条款中的价格贴现与调整进行了分析。This article analyzed price discount and adjustment in FIDIC contract clause.

我们为您提供完善的售后服务和贴现我们的客户。We provide our customers with the perfect and undiscounted after sale service.

债券的价格就是这些现金流,以利率r为贴现率算出的贴现值The price is just the present value of that stream, discounted at the interest rate.

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除非你从商学院毕业后想要做销售分析师,否则你永远不会去做现金流贴现。Unless you're going to be a sell-side analyst, you'll never do a DCF after B-School.

除非你从商学院毕业后想要做销售分析师,否则你永远不会去做现金流贴现。Unless you’re going to be a sell-side analyst, you’ll never do a DCF after B-School.

据新华社消息,约1.7万亿元票据贴现将在2009下半年纷纷到期。According to Xinhua, RMB1.7 trillion in discounted bills will reach maturity in 2H09.