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只要叫我迪夫大哥就好了。Just call me Big Brother Dave.

大哥继续奔波于各大慈善事业Jackie Continues Charitable Work

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费尔贝斯大哥,你又想到了什么?Think o' what, Brer Phelps, s'I?

大哥!这是南油大厦!你不要乱讲好不?This is Nanyou mansion but not Nanyou Hotel!

马可大哥声音好好听,对吧?Mark, listeners just love to hear your voice.

大哥,我不知那就是二嫂,请原琼。Big brother, I didn't know, please forgive me!

顺便说明一下,Christelle是我妈妈的亲戚,她的爸爸是我妈妈的大哥。Her father is the oldest brother of my mother.

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大哥劝郭虎追回兰馨。Big brother advised Guo tiger to recover orchid.

马可大哥和?欣我欢迎你来到英语世界。Hello and welcome to English World. This is Mark.

马可大哥喜欢夜晚时分躺在营地上,看著满天星斗。I also love looking at the stars on a clear night.

杨秀一见大哥变得如此狼狈。YangXiu see eldest brother became so discomfiture.

我立刻在人群中认出我大哥来。At once I picked out my elder brother in the crowd.

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大哥居然让你单独去看守红蜘蛛!Optimus actually set you alone to guard starscream!

赶集办年货,遇见兔大哥。The market, meet the rabbit elder brother often do.

大哥稍等一会,我先劫个色。Brother, just a moment. I want to steal some beauty.

司机大哥,我想上一位乘客把他的皮夹留在这儿了。Cabby , I think your last passenger left his wallet.

所以,现在,作为玛丽的好大哥,是该我上场的时候了。So, being the good big-brother, I decided to step in.

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没等我开口,一位大哥先行揭了谜底。Before I open, a big brother first exposed the answer.

我悄声告诉大哥,可不巧,这时候监工经过。I whispered to my brother as the slavedriver passed by.

要不睡麦秸垛吧!干脆我也不回去了就陪着大哥吧!If sleep straw stack! I simply don't go on with brother!