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例如,它们的甲壳变薄了。They have thinner shells, for example.

因此,他们提出一个黑暗的甲壳。Therefore, they present a dark carapace.

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龟将它的头从甲壳中伸出来。A turtle obtrudes its head from its shell.

名贵海珍品龙虾属甲壳科。Seafood is a valuable lobster crustacean section.

有孔虫大多具有错综复杂的碳酸钙甲壳。Most have intricate shells made of calcium carbonate.

甲壳纲的主要特征是什么?What are the main characteristics of Class Crustacea?

世界上有没有穿甲壳的鸟?没有吧?There are some birds that wear carapaces , arent there?

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刚长出来的小花蕾只有指甲壳般大小。Just long buds only by means of small-sized crustaceans.

报导甲壳质用作食用合成色素载体的研究。Chitin was examined as a carrier for synthetic food dyes.

选择变性蛋白质明胶与甲壳胺共混。Chosing modified protein gelatin and blended with chitosan.

看起来乌龟像是在搬运装在它那大甲壳里的货物。It looks like he's carrying cargo in that big shell of his.

小型淡水甲壳动物,长有盾牌状甲壳。Small freshwater crustaceans with a shield-shaped carapace.

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小龙虾和虾或龙虾一样,在科学上属于甲壳纲动物。Crawfish, like shrimp or lobsters, belong to the scientific Crustacea.

也许他很贤明的,但他的一生注定被锁在自己的甲壳里。He may be wise but he has to be locked up in his carapace until he dies.

但是在查林杰海渊发现的这些有孔虫却没有这种甲壳。But these shells are absent from the foraminifera found in Challenger Deep.

结果表明,在该条件下制备的甲壳质有良好的水溶性。It was found that the hydroxylpropyl-chitin had a good solubility in water.

十几年后,这种甲壳纲动物将长到拖拉机轮胎大小。After a dozen years, the crustacean will grow to the size of a tractor tire.

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小龙虾和虾或龙虾一样,在科学上属于甲壳纲动物。Crawfish, like shrimp or lobsters, belong to the scientific class Crustacea.

初步研究了法莫替丁-甲壳胺微囊的释药机理。The study examine the drug release mechanism of famotidine chitosan microcapsule.

有个甲壳是件很好的事情,这东西可以使我从多次险情中生存下来。It is good to to have a carapace. This has enabled me to survive a lot of dangers.