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最著名的景点是中山陵。Famous is Sun Yat-sen.

那是一个旅游景点。That's a tourist attraction.

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旧金山的景点?Attractions of San Francisco?

中国观鸟的王牌景点。China's top spot for bird-watching.

那是一个旅游景点。It's a tourist place of attraction.

保山有许多旅游景点。Baoshan has many places of interest.

第三个景点是一家中药房。The third spot was a Chinese pharmacy.

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亚瑞诺火山为一著名景点。The Arenal Volcano is a famous attraction.

伦敦最热门的景点在哪儿?Where is the most popular place in London?

哪些是马德里主要的观光景点?Cuales son los puntos de interés de Madrid?

你可以给我们推荐一些景点吗?Could you recommend some scenic spots to us?

如今这些沙漠景点几乎空无一人。Now the sand-swept sites stand nearly empty.

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那是旧金山有名的旅游观光景点,which is a very popular tourist destination,

你能推荐一些伦敦的景点吗?Can you recommend some attractions in London?

那么,世界上最坑爹的景点有哪些呢?。So which are the world's worst tourist traps?

你能给我们讲讲布朗克斯的景点吗?Can you tell us about attractions in the Bronx?

伦敦眼似乎是一个不错的景点。London Eye seems like a really nice attraction.

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建筑小子鲍勃仅仅是吸引人的景点之一。Bob The Builder was just one of the attractions.

这基本上是最近的大景点了。That's pretty much the nearest big thing to see.

我为观光客导览高雄的景点。I guide tourists to attractions around Kaohsiung.