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我们目前正在进行脑力激荡的讨论!We are brainstorming at this point!

工作操烦耗费大量脑力吗?Your work is too much a brain-drain?

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冰上曲棍球是一项很费脑力的运动。Ice hockey is a really cerebral game.

专注能增进脑力。Concentration can increase brainpower.

这队有人提供脑力激荡或意见者。The team brainstormed the CAR response.

忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。Tolerance is a notch above intelligence.

喜欢学习和脑力挑战。Thrive on Learning and Mental Challenges.

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猜字谜可以加强脑力。Doing puzzles will increase your brain power.

他喜欢和音乐玩这种脑力游戏He likes these kind of mind games with music.

这就意味着她们的脑力没有下降。This means their brain power remains undiminished.

马上用这个技巧来增进自己的脑力吧。Use this technique to increase your brainpower now.

学习既是一项脑力活动,也是一项体力活动。Learning is a physical as well as a mental activity.

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甚至芹菜已经被松散地与脑力敏锐度联系在一起。Even celery has been loosely linked to mental acuity.

每次脑力激荡的时候,我总是感到不舒服。I never feel comfortable at our brainstorming sessions.

谁有脑力和财力策划这场砸了就抢的案子?Who has the brain and money to stage this smash-and-grab?

他们特别地将这种状况作为一个脑力训练提出。Typically they present the situation as a mental exercise.

从那时开始,我在大小和脑力上都成长得很快。From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.

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让我们脑力激荡一下看看能不能有新点子。Let's brainstorm and see if we can come up with some new ideas.

但是如果塑料既能干“脑力活”与能干“体力活”该怎么办呢?But what if that plastic could be both the brains and the brawn?

我每天使用一种迅速脑力备忘录帮助我保持平衡。I use a quick mental checklist each day to help me stay balanced.