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他说,“泰姬陵正在消溶。and he said,“the Taj Mahal is dying.

此起彼伏的鼾声消溶在昏黄的夜灯里。As one falls snoring dissolving in the dim light.

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天空的蓝色消溶在绿色的风景之中。The blue of the sky melted into the green landscape.

消溶云是为你们非常,非常大的一个练习。Dissolving of clouds is very, very much a practice for you.

很难分辨出蓝色是在哪里消溶在绿色之中的。It is difficult to tell where the blue melts into the green.

再用雨水把冰雪消溶,我轰然大笑,当我在雷声中走过。And then again I dissolve it in rain, And laugh as I pass in thunder.

消溶的雪水如瀑布般沿着山崖边泻入河里。The flow of melted snow cascaded down the mountainside and into the river.

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再说,一旦这么消溶了,谁知道还能不能再把自己重新找回来呢?And, once having lost it, how was one to know that it could ever be regained?

这一瞬我的梦消散了,就像水消溶于水中。My dream was vanished at that moment like a drop of water vanishing in ocean.

虽然他会在雨水中消溶,我却始终沐浴着天廷蓝色的笑容。And I all the while bask in Heaven's blue smile, Whilst he is dissolving in rains.

结论福宁消溶排石散能明显抑制实验性大鼠草酸钙结石形成。The renal calcium oxalate crystallization were obviously reduced compared with the stone forming group.

后来我带着一些科学家去了泰姬陵,让他们看看大理石为什么会消溶,颜色为什么会变黄。I took scientists with me to the Taj Mahal, to show them how it is getting marble cancer, how it is becoming yellow.

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他直接冲入敌人的队列中,北方士兵们像波浪一样分开像风雪一样消溶。He dashed straight into the enemy's array, and the northern soldiers opened like falling waves and dissolving storms.

因此,研究以上因素对于石灰石消溶的影响,对于设计湿法烟气脱硫装置有着重要的理论研究和工程应用价值。Therefore, to research the effect of this factors in limestone dissolution is valuable for designing the equipment of WFGD.

聚合物不溶于酸性溶液,因此它们可用于制成药物涂层,从而避免人体吞服药物时药物在胃中溶化,或者通过缓慢消溶聚合物,逐渐释放药物效力,减少服药次数。or slowly dissolving polymers can slowly release a drug, reducing the number of times a day a person has to take medication.

利用该模型可以比较不同种类石灰石样品的单颗粒消溶速度,得到理论消溶率随时间的变化规律,可为不同脱硫剂设计浆池的大小。This model can be applied to compare the dissolution rates of different limestone samples, help to design the slurry pool for different desulfurizers.

那是愉快的春日,人们感到不满的冬日正跟冻上一样地消溶,而蛰伏的生命开始舒伸了。They were pleasant spring days, in which the winter of man's discontent was thawing as well as the earth, and the life that had lain torpid began to stretch itself.

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基于超声原理,采用实验方法探讨了超声波这一物理因子对血栓消溶的影响,观察研究了超声波的功率、血栓凝龄与血栓消溶效果之间的关系。The study is based on the principle of the ultrasound to research the relationship between the frequency and powers of the ultrasound, thrombus age and the rate of the thrombolysis.

人影恍然,灯光在波中飘荡,泛出爱的鳞光来,那是一种美丽的生命情结,将温馨投入杯中,慢慢消溶在风花雪月的心情故事中。Silhouette suddenly, lights floating in the wave, Fan Chu scales light of love to, it is a beautiful complex of life, will warm into the cup, slowly dissolving in the romantic mood the story.