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最后请大家参观竹园。Finally we visited the Bamboo.

中国式竹园也是竹文化的一部分。Chinese Bamboo garden is also a part of the bamboo culture.

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我在万竹园里买了一些纪念品给我最好的朋友。I bought some souvenirs in Bamboo Garden for my best friend.

来到北埔,笠竹园是想要健康美味兼顾的您不可错过的美味餐厅。When you come to Beipu, visit us to enjoy a yummy and healthy big meal!

他的骨架子是竹园里的细竹枝,他的肌肉、皮肤是隔年的黄稻草。His skeleton is fine bamboo bamboo garden, his muscles, skin is in the Yellow straw.

健身室的特色墙和洗手间的竹园是其中较具代表性的例子。The bamboo garden in the bathroom and the feature wall of the gym are prime examples.

研究了柿竹园萤石精矿的脱水特性。The dewatering feature of the fluorite concentrate in Shizhuyuan Mine has been studied.

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释德建和他的门徒们需要照看小竹园和种植蔬菜药草的小块梯田。Dejian and his disciples tend small groves of bamboo and terraced plots of vegetables and herbs.

柿竹园钨多金属矿床由三个阶段不同成矿作用复合叠加而形成。The Shizhuyuan deposit is the largest of the economically important polymetallic tungsten deposits in China.

南方是唐当局的主要竹材供给地,重要是“在官”皇家竹园。The south is the main supply of bamboo Tang to the authorities, "is important in the official" Royal garden.

介绍湖南柿竹园公司铋冶炼改扩建的工艺设计。The process design for reconstruction and expansion engineering of Hunan Shizhuyuan Bismuth Smelter is described.

海悦山庄会所竹园采用明清风格装饰,典雅精致,具有中华文化底蕴,与“食神会”专属、尊宠的礼宴文化堪称珠联璧合。The restaurant will be seated in the Bamboo Garden of the Seaview Resort. The garden is decorated in a Ming-Qing dynasty style.

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介绍了浦东世纪大道、陆家嘴金融贸易区、竹园商贸区、花木地区的绿化调整和建设规划概况等。A survey of planting adjustment and plan for the Century Way, Lujiazui Finance and Trade Area, Zhuyuan Bussiness Area and Huamu Area is introduced.

本文介绍了金竹园隧道光面爆破方案设计与施工,并对隧道工程光面爆破技术进行了实践总结和探讨。This paper introduces the light blow up design and the construction of Jinzuyuan tunnel, sums up and discusses the skill of tunnels light blow up technique.

柿竹园低品位复杂萤石的浮选工艺研究一直处于试验阶段,指标不稳定。The unstable index behaved in flotation process research on Shizhuyuan low grade, complicated chemical composition fluorite bored researchers for a long time.

农田栽种早园竹,除了要全面做好竹园常规管理外,还应做好土壤改造、深翻、开沟排水等工作。Soil transformation, deep plough and trenching to de water should be done besides routine management before planting Phyllostachys propinqua McClure in farmland.

四川省青川县中医院竹园分院设计方案三易其稿,该工程打破了传统大型医院的设计模式,致力于建构小型精品医院。Qingchuan Hospital Chuk Yuen Branch changed the design draft three times to build a small boutique hospital through breaking the traditional pattern of large hospitals.

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综述了柿竹园公司近20年来在创新体系建设、采矿和选矿技术进步方面所取得的成绩,分析了存在的主要问题,提出了柿竹园公司矿业技术发展的设想。The major scientific research achievements by Shizuyuan Mines in the perspective of innovative system building, mining and process technology in the last 20 years are summarized.

云舒提着一包行李跟在大公子身后,旺叔和顾清也垂手跟着,一行人往竹园走去。Cloud is comfortable to lift a pack of baggage heel at big childe after death, prosperous uncle and attend to pure also hang to follow, a group of people walks toward bamboo park.

为提高国内矿山应用这种采矿法的采场生产能力,在柿竹园有色金属矿进行了高分段采矿技术的试验研究。In order to raise the mining productivity of stopes in Chinese mines, an experimental study was carried out on the high sublevel mining system in Shizhuyuan nonferrous metals mine.